Trojans360 Articles

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10 Throwback Items You Didn’t Know You Needed Right Now

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Sometimes I sit there, miserably, and wonder what could possibly make me feel better. A slice of cake/pizza? Usually. But sometimes, there are voids that can’t be filled by anything other than your childhood. Here are some things that sounds really nice to have right now.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

If USC Dorms Were People

By: Judy Lee ‘17

I’m going to preface this post by saying that I don’t mean to generalize in a derogatory way! Just some fun and games regarding our building stereotypes on campus. FRESHMAN: take this as you may.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

5 Nostalgic #JustFreshmanThings

By: Judy Lee ‘17

To be quite honest, I was a very lame freshman. But even looking back, I wish I could relive some of the moments from those days. When it comes down to it, we may all have been pretty derpy kids, but we were carefree kids nonetheless. Here’s some things I miss.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

6 Types of Leavey Lurkers

By: Judy Lee ‘17

There are undoubtedly a lot of interesting characters around finals week, but no reality show could ever beat the amount you’d see gathered in ye ‘ol Leavey library. Here are a few you may be familiar with:

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

The Ultimate Leavey Survival Pack

By: Judy Lee ‘17

There are fewer frustrating feelings than forgetting something at home and remembering too late. Although it’s best to make a quick packing list, chances are: if you’re the type to forget a few things at home, you’re not the type to have time to make a packing list, either.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Late Night Snack Roulette

By: Judy Lee ‘17

We’ve all been there: it’s 1am and you know you shouldn’t eat any more food today, but guess what? You do. And you’re a fully grown adult (almost…good enough) and have the finances (also barely good enough) to nourish yourself with…fatty foods. But here’s the catch! You have no idea what you want–only that you want it. So, here’s a list of things you may be craving this finals week, but can’t quite put your finger on! Feel free to browse, or to just close your eyes and choose at random:

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

5 Most Caffeinated Starbucks Drinks For Finals

By: Judy Lee ‘17

As classes dwindle down, there is a spike in the demand for caffeine. Finals are almost upon us, and it looks like cloudy with a chance of filter coffee. Now, since we’re all starving college students try to scrape by, I thought I’d compile the most caffeinated bang-for-your-buck that you can grab at TroGro so that you can finish off the essay you probably should have finished off a week ago. I preface this list by saying these are measured in milligrams in a grande size for each beverage. Also, caffeine addiction is very real, so make sure you watch yourself because withdrawal ain’t cute. With that, here are your top 5!

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Sleep App: Yay or Nay?

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Sleep is a love-hate relationship for a lot of people–especially college students. Whether it’s that quick nap in your dorm before class starts freshman year or…that quick nap in your car before class starts senior year, sleep is a necessity for everyone. Now, being the quintessential college student in that I average maybe 4-6 good hours of sleep a night, I decided that perhaps I should work on that seeing as I’ll have to adult sooner or later. Hence, I downloaded Sleep Cycle:

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Trojans360 Trojans360

6 Types of People You’ll Meet At A Music Festival

By: Judy Lee ‘17

1. There for the music: This person is the typical festival-goer. They have a little piece of paper (or a note on their phone) with their own personalized schedule for each day they’re attending. They’ve been to many-a-music-festival and are always fun to chat with. Whether they are fanatics or down-to-earth, they make the festival not just an enjoyable, but an educational experience…

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Daddy-Daughter Rings: Cute or Creepy?

By: Judy Lee ‘17

While scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed the other day, I came across a particular story on CNN detailing a “giving-away” ceremony held between a young girl and her dying father.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

6 Dogs That Will Make You Swell With Trojan Pride

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Happy National Puppy Day! Who doesn’t love puppies? Furthermore, who doesn’t like USC? What a better combination than to have both exist at the same time?! To celebrate this joyous occasion, here are 7 Trojan puppies that are killing the fashion game.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

6 Coupon Sites For The Starving College Student

By: Judy Lee ‘17

We’ve all been there–top ramen and water. If not, are you even in college good for you! However, it’d be nice to save more here and there when budgeting becomes a burden. Personally, I get the drawbacks of that: cutting stuff out of the ads that get shoved into your mailbox just feels a little stodgy, and it becomes too much of a process. Luckily, there are online versions that work perfectly well–if not better! Here are seven:

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