6 Types of Leavey Lurkers

By Judy Lee

There are undoubtedly a lot of interesting characters around finals week, but no reality show could ever beat the amount you’d see gathered in ye ‘ol Leavey library. Here are a few you may be familiar with:

1. Zombies

These are the people who are dead asleep at their stations. They have clearly lost the good fight with their textbooks open and notes marked up. Dark circles under their eyes, this is not their first rodeo. Possibly a vision of your future.

2. Clatterers

Clatterers love to type unnecessarily loud, flip pages unnecessarily loud, click their pens repeatedly while “concentrating”, and–god forbid–play their music without plugging in their earphones. Luckily, the latter is often a higher level clatterer, which are rare.

3. Gamers

“Why are they even here?” you wonder. They are clicking away furiously on League of Legends in the midst of zombies and studiers. Perhaps they don’t have a PC at their apartment? Perhaps. Procrastinating on accounting homework? Probably.

4. Sorority squad

Flashcards with big letters scattered everywhere with every color pen you could imagine. The sisters are there to support each other and keep each other awake. They often tend to burst into laughter at awkward moments, causing everyone to turn their heads. Bonus points if they are wearing matching clothes (shirts, yoga pants, etc).

5. Eskimos

Sometimes the air conditioning gets ridiculous at Leavey, but no matter what temperature it is, the eskimos are FREEZING. They are draped in 2 sweaters, a snuggie, 3 parkas, and a giant Star Wars blanket. Even under those layers, their hands are blue and their teeth are chattering.

6. Cafeteria folk

These are the people who have feasts at Leavey. Perhaps a three course meal or a quick McDonalds. Either way, the scent spreads quickly, making the tired and hungry students around them extremely jealous (speaking from personal experience).

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