5 Most Caffeinated Starbucks Drinks For Finals

By Judy Lee ‘17

As classes dwindle down, there is a spike in the demand for caffeine. Finals are almost upon us, and it looks like cloudy with a chance of filter coffee. Now, since we’re all starving college students try to scrape by, I thought I’d compile the most caffeinated bang-for-your-buck that you can grab at TroGro so that you can finish off the essay you probably should have finished off a week ago.

I preface this list by saying these are measured in milligrams in a grande size for each beverage. Also, caffeine addiction is very real, so make sure you watch yourself because withdrawal ain’t cute.

With that, here are your top 5!  

1. Fresh Filter Coffee – 320mg


Surprisingly, your standard filter coffee should have the most caffeine in it. You can up the ante by adding shots of espresso for every day earlier you should have begun studying (actually, don’t do this). 

2. Vanilla Bean Macchiato – 261mg


A very shocking frontrunner, this macchiato actually packs a punch AND tastes good compared to the monotonous jittery dirt water that coffee can sometimes become.

3. Cold Brew Coffee – 260mg


New to the market, cold brew is great for empty stomachs because the acid that generally leaks out of beans during the hot brewing process is not release in the cold brew process, taking the edge off the acid reflux in your stomach (because nobody deserves that).

4. Café Americano – 225mg


If you don’t particularly care about the acid, grab an Americano. This is also very easily paired with espresso shot customization and can be refreshing when iced!

5. Honey Blossom Macchiato – 174mg


Another shocking frontrunner, this macchiato is another new drink that Starbucks recently rolled out. It’s supposed to have that nice hint of floral while still giving you the kick you needed.


6. Red Bull – 80mg


Red Bull is, unfortunately, not the turbo-packed super charge it may seem to be. Compared to the drinks listed above, it tends to rank lower on the serving size scale. Drink at your discretion! 

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