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Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360

How to Stay Awake in Class Without Coffee

By: Antonia Le ‘22

We’ve all been there. You tell yourself that you’ll stay up a little bit to study for your midterm, but when it comes time to actually take the test, you find yourself wanting to doze off halfway through. Or maybe you had a great night’s sleep, but there’s that one professor whose voice just puts you to sleep. However, you might not want to reach for that cup of coffee just yet. Drinking too much caffeine (or caffeine at the wrong time of day) can mess up your sleep schedule and send you into an infinite loop of feeling tired, reaching for a cup of coffee, and not getting enough sleep. Instead, try these tricks for staying awake in class!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

A Ranking of All 6 USC Starbucks

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Yes, USC does have six different Starbucks locations either on campus or just nearby. And yes, I did get coffee at all six places just so I could conduct a proper review. I ordered the same drink at every location (decaf iced chocolate macchiato with almond milk) in order to judge fairly.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Advice on Sleep from an Insomniac

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

We’ve all heard how sleep deprivation can cause short-term consequences like poor judgement, weakened immune system, and poor concentration and is also correlated with detrimental long-term effects like heart disease and neurological degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately in an age of instant gratification and ever more invasive technology, maintaining healthy sleep habits is becoming more difficult. Sleep difficulty has been cited as the leading factors affecting USC students’ academic performance (along with stress and anxiety which also cause further lack of sleep, leading to an awful positive feedback cycle). As a diagnosed insomniac, I’m definitely guilty of not getting as much sleep as my body needs. The following are some tips that have helped me obtain a more consistent, healthy sleep schedule.

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5 Hidden Gem Cafés Around USC

By: Terry Nguyen ‘20

Dark eyebags and the overwhelming aura of desperation are all too common during midterm season, but there is a special treat for the despairing: coffee and café goods. Although Starbucks drinks add little to improve the aura of dark energy literally leaking out from Leavey, you might be feeling as if everyone is rushing to Starbucks and clogging up the Tapingo virtual lines. Have no fear — this listicle is here to guide you to the hidden gem cafés and coffee shops around USC that will help you survive midterms and bolster your energy levels into spring break!

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

5 Most Caffeinated Starbucks Drinks For Finals

By: Judy Lee ‘17

As classes dwindle down, there is a spike in the demand for caffeine. Finals are almost upon us, and it looks like cloudy with a chance of filter coffee. Now, since we’re all starving college students try to scrape by, I thought I’d compile the most caffeinated bang-for-your-buck that you can grab at TroGro so that you can finish off the essay you probably should have finished off a week ago. I preface this list by saying these are measured in milligrams in a grande size for each beverage. Also, caffeine addiction is very real, so make sure you watch yourself because withdrawal ain’t cute. With that, here are your top 5!

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