6 Reasons to Do Things Alone

By (the not forever alone) Kelly Kinas ‘16

Alone. Let’s just remember that alone is not the same as lonely. I can choose to do things alone but that longing feeling to be with others but not actually being with them is being lonely. I love my support system: my friends, my family, people I talk to in line at Starbucks, everyone in my life. I could not be the person I am today without them.

Additionally, I could not be who I am today without me. Knowing yourself and spending time alone is healthy and something everyone should do. Here are so reasons why I think it’s important to do things by yourself sometimes. Read on!


FIRST OFF, let me tell you what I am NOT talking about:


Mr. Steak is not my only friend. He just helps me when I’m hungry or got into a fight.


1. You Don’t Have to Make Plans With Other People!!!!


I know that seems really obvious but it’s actually really great! You can just do what you want to do! Don’t want to deal with texting the HUGE group chat? Don’t worry about it! You can literally do exactly what you want to do.

2. You Can Eat ALL THE FOOD


Ever worried about sharing the popcorn at movies? Don’t want to split the chips at the restaurant? NOT A PROBLEM WHEN YOU GO ALONE.

3. You Can Sing in the Car Without Anyone Interrupting You


Or just yell like Robert Downey Jr here. You can listen to any music. Maybe your friends don’t like musicals about founding fathers written in rap and R&B music? Well, you do so you can jam out as much as you want.

4. You Don’t Have to Run on Someone’s Schedule


All your friends have night classes when you want to see a concert? You don’t have to miss it! You can go by yourself and make your own memories! Send them snapchats of what they missed!

5. You Can Go Where You Want


Never been to Canada? Book a cheap flight to Vancouver and explore the city! (i.e. what I’m doing in 2 weeks) It’s hard to travel with a lot of people or figure out flight schedules when you have 4 or 5 people going on the same trip. You can totally go by yourself and follow steps 1-4 to have a great time!

6. You Can Learn About Yourself (which is always good fun)


Feel awkward eating at a restaurant alone? Figure out why! Bring a book, look at your phone. The reason you feel comfortable is probably because you’re focusing on what other people think of you and your own enjoyment. Learn what makes you happy by DOING THOSE THINGS. Trying things out and trying new things is one of the great things about being young.

Fight on!


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