6 Things to Hug Now That You’re Back at USC

By the very huggable Kelly Kinas ‘16 (in case you were wondering)

I’m not the most emotional person but, man, do I enjoy a good hug. I have missed USC dearly and I’m so excited that second semester has started. What have I missed the most? Here’s a complete list. Now, some of these things are inanimate object so they might not be the comfiest to hug. But try anyways.


1. Ground Zero Barista (Or just order a delicious beverage)


Always ask before hugging someone you don’t know but you know Ground Zero Baristas have bad days too. If anything else, get a milkshake and visit Ground Zero sometime this week for the Welcome Week Events described here: https://www.facebook.com/events/230783680585957/

2. Tommy Trojan (or just look around our campus again)


Now it might be difficult to reach him and I don’t know how you would actually get up there unless you have a ladder. So instead of endangering yourself, maybe just walk around and enjoy the beautiful campus surrounding us.

3. The Tree Outside Morton Fig (or just order a drink with friends)


This tree is pretty beautiful but if you don’t want to be a literal tree hugger, have a get together of all your friends at Moreton Fig.

4. Traditions (Or watch the USC UCLA Basketball game there)


It might be difficult to hug an entire building or a restaurant. SO, the USC Men’s basketball team plays UCLA at UCLA. Don’t have car? Watch it at Traditions or Traddies if you’re over 21. It’s a great atmosphere for away football games so I don’t think it should be that much different for basketball games!!

5. Any Libraries (or get organized for the semester NOW instead of later)


Again, it’s difficult to hug a whole building yet again. If you think of yourself as a QUITTER, then you can just walk into the library and get organized! There are so many things that come up at the beginning of every semester. It is important to be prepared for everything.

Have a good first week and HUG IT OUT (or just do things in general).

Fight On!

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