New Year, New Semester, New Goals


By Emily Young MA ‘16

Spirits are high! It’s the first week of school, we are reunited with all of our friends, and procrastination is a thing of the past. I mean it’s a new semester right? Anything is possible!  


 Sure you want to get good grades this semester, but what do you really want to achieve?  What would truly satisfy you as a person? Here’s a list of some accomplishable, fulfilling goals for the semester you should adopt.

Semester Goals 

1. Read one article a day that you’ll really enjoy.  Like this one right here!


2. Talk to your family on the phone often.  And actually take the time to talk to them and tell them what happened during your day; unless if you’re too busy saving the world or something like that. 


3. Listen to comedy.  What’s life without a laugh anyways? Go check out Open Mic Night at GroundZero


4. Sign up for a workout class! This week is preview week so try a workout class a lyon center for free! 


5. Make new friends.  There are plenty of new people to meet in your new classes.  Just remember not to talk while the teacher is talking.


6. Sit up straight.  Alleviate your back pain and get a six-pack while doing it….. a six pack of soda.


7. Explore LA more!  Here’s a start. Get a group of friends and hike to the Hollywood Sign


8. Join a club! If you missed the Spring Involvement Fair, check out all the great clubs USC has to offer online!


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