USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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Work On It Wednesday: Why Writing the Cover Letter is the Hardest Part

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

I’ve written my fair share of cover letters and yet they can still be challenging. Why? Sure you stressed over making your resume look great to highlight your experiences, but when it comes to selling your self and creating a short narrative all you’ve got on your internal monologue is: “Ummmm, I really need this job—I’d actually be pretty great at it. I’ve already spent forever on this online application and I just really need to get this done.”

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Work On It Wednesday: Learning New Tricks with Lynda

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Employers are looking for employees that are self-driven and will continue to learn outside of the classroom. The best way to show that you’re a go-getter is to learn some new skills outside of the classroom. There are many websites and YouTube channels that offer free tutorials, but one of the best online tutorial websites, Lynda, is actually free for all USC students, faculty, and staff. Don’t let this free resource go untested try it out!

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Work On It Wednesday: Nailing Your Next Job Interview

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

That’s a lot of info….let’s break it down. First impressions are critical in job interviews. Did you dress professional? Arrive early? Act courteous and polite to secretaries? Doing these three steps already gives you a leg up. Here are some more suggestions to seal the deal.

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Work On It Wednesday: Informational Interview

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

As college students, the best tool to network is informational interviews. Informational interviews allow you to become well-informed about the industry you’re interested in and are a great way to develop some contacts in your field. Top-level and mid-level executives rarely take calls from strangers, but for college students eager to learn there is an exception. Being a USC student is a powerful brand to get your foot in the door, so use it to your advantage.

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Work On It Wednesday: Asking for Help With Your Job Search

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Getting a job is tough. Especially when there are endless paths you can take with your degree. Instead of trying to determine a career path on your own, reach out to your network for help. Your contacts’ experience will help steer you in the right direction and their suggestions of who to talk to will ultimately lead you to a job. While there is nothing wrong with asking for help with your job search, how you ask for help makes a huge difference.

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Work On It Wednesday: Learning From Failure

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Reality check, “the real working world” is approaching faster than you can imagine. While school has prepared you for a lot, it hasn’t prepared you for everything. Some of the most important lessons you learn in “the real working world” are from failures.

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Work On It Wednesday: Networking

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

While networking implies building a vast network of people, is does not mean you do it all in one night by handing out business cards to everyone at an event. Making one or two genuine and beneficial connections during an event is a success. Read more on how to avoid the 5 common pitfalls of networking.

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