Work On It Wednesday: Nailing Your Next Job Interview

By Emily Young MA ‘16


That’s a lot of info….let’s break it down. 

First impressions are critical in job interviews.  Did you dress professional?  Arrive early?  Act courteous and polite to secretaries?  Doing these three steps already gives you a leg up.  Here are some more suggestions to seal the deal. 

Be authentic, and smile. 


Most interviews are a check to see if your experiences hold up to your resume and to determine if you are a good fit for the company.  As one employer told me in an informational interview, it is all about determining if the hirer would go and get a beer with the candidate after work.  Chances are, you are a pretty cool person, since you are a Trojan, so just be yourself!  Interviews can be nerve-racking, but if you show nervousness or a lack of self-confidence, you do yourself no favors. Alternately, if you show overt enthusiasm you could come off as fake.  While maintaining proper boundaries, demonstrate a sense of personal ease, optimism and engagement.  You are the kind of person who can manage the role and responsibilities with a smile on your face.

Tell relevant stories. 


Be prepared for questions that will probe for an understanding of your work style, personality and ethics, i.e.: 

  • Tell us about a challenge you faced in your last role.
  • Describe your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Why do you see yourself at this company?
  • What did you do with XXX organization?

Your answers will be analyzed carefully to predict how you will act in the employer’s environment.  Have short stories and examples ready for these tough questions to turn them into a strong point.  People are much more interested in stories, and they leave room to weave in positives.  

Example: I realized one of my weaknesses was delegation during my first year as Trojan Athletic President.  After realizing this, I restructured the club and added an executive board which has helped me delegate more. 

Ask thoughtful questions. 


You can do everything right, but if you don’t ask insightful questions that demonstrate you have done some research about the company, industry, and the role it might make the interviewer question your thoroughness.  

  • “Will I have the opportunity to do X?” 
  • “Do you do X this way or that way?” 
  • “Have you considered X direction before?”

Keep checking out the Trojan 360 Career tab for more great tips to come!

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