Is it Spring Break Yet? Why It's Not Too Soon to Start Planning.

By Emily Young MA ‘16


Thoughts of returning to school Tuesday after this glorious three-day weekend might have you thinking: “is it Spring Break yet?”  


My friends, Spring Break is 8 weeks away, March 13th-20th, and while that may seem like a mirage in the great distance, it is really much closer than you think.  To make the most of your Spring Break possible, the time to start planning is now!

There are several factors in deciding where you want to go: preferences, budget, friends’ plans, and cost savers i.e. if you have a friend’s place you can stay.  Here are some common Spring Break choices:

International Adventure: Visiting your Friends Abroad

Price: $$$$$


The most expensive thing is the plane ticket, but if you have a friend who has a place to live and has a lay of the land, it will help you cut cost.  An International Adventure is great option if your school schedule doesn’t allow you to travel aboard and if you are able to leave SC on a weekday. 

Note: Passport is needed…pronto.

Island Adventure: Hawaii

Price: $$$$


Spring Break flights and hotels are expensive in Hawaii.  Costs can be cut by purchasing flights ahead, flying on weekdays, checking out other SO-Cal airports, and staying at a friend’s house. Excursions like Sky Diving, Snorkeling, Shark Tank Diving, etc. will be expensive, so try to plan ahead and get group discounts.


The SC Party Hub: Cabo

Price: $$$


The happening place to be for Spring Break is Cabo.  After the flights, everything is pretty inexpensive, especially if you share hotel/housing costs.  

Note: Only stay in well-reviewed places…it may cost more, but it’s important to be safe and be close to the party!

USC Alternate Spring Break : Baltimore, Bay Area, New Mexico, Orcas Island, or Peru

Prices From $ - $$$


Looking to meet new people, go somewhere fun, and make the world a better place?  USC’s alternative Spring Break program is just for you!  Application is only open for one more week here at

Note: Know that these trips are usually action packed leaving little down time for homework or rest so check your syllabus before you go!

“North Cabo”: Mammoth

Price: $$


El Nino is pounding Mammoth with Snow right now, making it the perfect place to be during Spring Break.  Drive up with a couple of friends, rent a cabin and some gear, and hit the slopes. A guaranteed great time!  

Note: Go with friends who have similar skiing or snowboarding levels as you.

A Friendly Escape: Visiting your Friend’s Home for the Week

Price: $


A great inexpensive way to explore a different place for the week whether its San Diego, Nor-Cal, etc. it’s nice to get off campus, relax, and have a home cooked meal.

Note: Do get your host family a small gift or at least write a thank you letter for hosting you.

Stuck In LA: Catalina/Camping in Big Bear or Joshua Tree.

Price: $


Can’t get out of work?  Bogged down with projects?  There are still fun and exciting ways to enjoy your time off in LA. Make a day trip out to Catalina or do a weekend camping trip in Big Bear or Joshua Tree. You can even rent camping equipment at Lyons center. 

Note: Campsite grounds will get booked up so it’s important to reserve it now.  You can always cancel if things change.   

 Planning now is important, because the larger the group, the more planning and coordination.  Check your syllabus’ now and talk to teachers about the course load because the sooner you can lock in plane tickets the better.   While planning ahead will save you money, you might be realizing that you are going to need to save some dough or get a part-time campus job to cover the costs of break.  Check out this upcoming week’s Work on It Wednesday blog on budgeting for cost saving tips and suggestions.

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