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FAQ’s My Friends and I Had About Cabo Spring Break

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

Last year was the first spring break I spent as the typical college sorority girl.I’d done it all— I spent 5 days in Cabo, developed a substantially complicated relationship with tequila, and came home with cornrows and a henna tattoo of a flying cat. Never having visited Mexico prior to Cabo spring break, I had a list of concerns that potentially kept me from crossing international borders.I heard that Mexico is a highly dangerous place to visit—especially as a female. I was in no position to get abducted by members of the drug cartel only to have my body parts sold on the black market. I knew that was the exact thing my parents were thinking when I told them I was going to Mexico with 15 of my girlfriends. For a solid five minutes, their faces were priceless—and then my dad started telling me of the time he and his buddy drove to Mexico when they were 18 in the early 80s and everything was cool again. Still, I wouldn’t have touched Mexico with a 10-foot pole had their been notable social and political issues occurring south of the border. Luckily for us, paradise is uninterrupted down at the southern peak of Baja California.

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