USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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Motivation for your Monday

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Hello friends, I know Mondays can sometimes be a source of struggle. Especially if you spent time watching Leo win his first Oscar instead of doing your homework, like myself. I wanted to leave you with some inspiration to get through the day, week, month, and maybe even college.

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Work On It Wednesday: Making the Time to Exercise

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

This morning I was feeling a little groggy, a combination of staying up too late doing homework and not eating a big enough breakfast. As I walked to volleyball practice alone, I first noticed how few people seemed to be on campus. Then, I noticed how everyone who seemed to cross my path appeared to be dead tired, or just as groggy as I was. It’s midterm season, I get it, but it also got me thinking. Working-out, as much as it may be a struggle sometimes, always makes me feel better.

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