Work On It Wednesday: Making the Time to Exercise

By Emily Young MA ‘16


This morning I was feeling a little groggy, a combination of staying up too late doing homework and not eating a big enough breakfast.  As I walked to volleyball practice alone, I first noticed how few people seemed to be on campus.  Then, I noticed how everyone who seemed to cross my path appeared to be dead tired, or just as groggy as I was.  It’s midterm season, I get it, but it also got me thinking.  Working-out, as much as it may be a struggle sometimes, always makes me feel better.  


Exercise is known to be good for stress release, keeps your immune system high, and even is shown to improve brain function.  Exercise is such an essential part of life, but often it’s the first thing to slip when we get stressed.  So this week I am going to share my tips on making the time to workout and how to get out of that midterm fog.

Tip 1: Schedule a Consistent Time to Workout


If you schedule a time to workout, you are more apt to stick to it.  Even so, sticking to the time you dedicated to workout is easier said than done. If you’re having trouble, get a gym buddy to keep you accountable, or sign up for a workout class so you feel “more obligated” to go.

Tip 2: Do Something You Enjoy


It’s a lot easier to workout if you “enjoy” what you are doing.  Notice: I put “enjoy” in quotation marks.  I do not enjoy doing cardio, but I enjoy it more if I am outside. So don’t run on the treadmill if you hate it.  Find exercises that are suitable to you.

Tip 3: Change it Up


Routines are great to get you into a workout schedule, but doing the same thing every time you go can get a little monotonous.  I like to change up running a lot, because personally I think it is boring.  I’ll run new routes through campus, run the row, run up the stairs of Web Tower, even change up how I run the mile on the track (4 times in lane four or lane 8, then 7, 6, 5).  

Also don’t be afraid to try something new.  USC Lyon’s Center offers a lot of different workout classes.  Since this week is USC Health & Wellness Week, all of the workout classes are free, so there is no excuse not to try a new class!

Tip 4: Drink a lot of Water & Positive Thinking


When I am struggling in a workout, the first thing I do is drink more water.  Chances are you are already dehydrated, which is why you are feeling stiff and groggy.  Water will help your body perspire to really get your muscles warm and help you feel that workout endorphin high.  If hydration isn’t the problem, examine your mental attitude.  Some days you just won’t have it in you to workout, I understand, but try giving yourself a pep-talk or playing some pump-up music. You’ll be surprised how much a dance party can get you ready to workout.

Tip 5: A Workout Doesn’t Need to be a Marathon


A common misconception is that a workout needs to be over an hour long.  You can get a lot done in a half-an-hour, even 15 minutes.  So don’t let “I don’t have time” be an excuse. Running up the stairs of Web Tower takes under 5 minutes, although I do advise you to warm up and stretch first. If you are looking for a core exercise check out 8 Minute Abs.


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