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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Quarantine Edition: Best At Home Workout Videos

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Gyms, hiking trails, and beaches might be closed but that’s not an excuse to not exercise. Chances are, the nation-wide shelter-in-place initiative has made your lifestyle more sedentary. Nevertheless, healthcare experts recommend getting approximately 20 minutes of moderate exercise daily to maintain health and immunity. It’s advised you do try to get outside for sunshine, be it a power walk to the convenience store or a bike ride around your neighborhood. But whether it is out of concern for your own health or your loved ones, you may not be able to go out for that breath of fresh air. Try some of my favorite equipment-free at-home exercise videos to help you stay healthy!

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Stay in Shape with USC Group Fitness Membership

By: Danielle Collins ‘20

Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the biggest struggles of being a college student. As someone who used to hate working out, I had a hard time finding motivation to go to the gym. But investing in a USC Group Fitness Membership last semester changed all of that. With the mid-semester membership discount coming up on March 1st, I wanted to share some information about USC Workout. Purchasing a USC Group Fitness Membership gives you unlimited access to fitness classes at the Lyon Center and the Village Gym. USC offers a variety of classes throughout the day every day. Keep reading to find out more about USC Group Fitness Memberships and how to sign up!

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

Work On It Wednesday: Making the Time to Exercise

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

This morning I was feeling a little groggy, a combination of staying up too late doing homework and not eating a big enough breakfast. As I walked to volleyball practice alone, I first noticed how few people seemed to be on campus. Then, I noticed how everyone who seemed to cross my path appeared to be dead tired, or just as groggy as I was. It’s midterm season, I get it, but it also got me thinking. Working-out, as much as it may be a struggle sometimes, always makes me feel better.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

NETFLEX: 7 Workouts To Do While Watching Netflix

By: Judy Lee ‘17

So, it’s the last week of classes. Aka that period of time when you very tragically and conveniently fall into binge watching __________. I feel you so hard on this one. Daredevil and House of Cards are gaining momentum in my heart and it’s kinda scary.

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