Motivation for your Monday

By Emily Young MA ‘16


If he did it so can you!

Hello friends, 

I know Mondays can sometimes be a source of struggle.  Especially if you spent time watching Leo win his first Oscar instead of doing your homework, like myself.  I wanted to leave you with some inspiration to get through the day, week, month, and maybe even college.

It’s February 29th, a day that only happens once every four years!


Although most modern calendar years have 365 days, a complete revolution around the Sun (one solar year) takes approximately 365 days and 6 hours. An extra 24 hours thus accumulates every four years, requiring that an extra calendar day be added to align the calendar with the Sun’s apparent position.  Every fourth year is called a leap year and the next one will be in 2020. 

It’s two weeks until Spring Break!


Yes the looming due dates suck, but look at these cute pugs.  They take the pain away temporarily.  You will make it!

Haven’t figured your life out?  No problem.


Know that it is okay not to have an elaborate life plan.  Have faith that everything will work out. 

Schedule dinner with a friend.


Break routine and schedule a meal with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.  Food + Friendship = Life Motivation in my book.

Watch this motivational geese video about teamwork.

Corny motivation that comes through in a pinch. 

Vent it out.


Have some things on your mind?  Write them down on paper, not social media.

Be like the Lobster.

Dealing with stress and overcoming obstacles helps you grow. 

Live and love in the moment.


If you spend all your time in the what ifs, you’ll never life now.  Take advantage of every moment (and every Monday) at USC because time flies.  

Have a great Monday everyone, 


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