USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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The Culture of Sex - It’s Never Perfect

High school health class often serves as a crucible for adolescent hormones, as teens find themselves seated alongside one another, grappling with notions of sex, intimacy, and relationships. My own upbringing in a deeply Catholic environment meant that my teacher approached the subject with caution, emphasizing that sex was to be approached with solemnity and reserved for a context of maturity or marriage. It was framed as a sacred act, laden with moral implications.

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College, Health & Wellness Trojans360 College, Health & Wellness Trojans360

9 Small Things That Make My Life Better As a College Student 

Heading into my senior year of college, I’ve finally learned the embrace that college is hard. Whether it’s a tough class or just homesickness and general overwhelm, there’s always a new challenge to work through. I guess that’s what growing up is all about. But, over time, I’ve learned one of the best ways to treat those low moments is finding small ways to make your life a little better every day.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

2021 Quarantine Upgrade

By: Sophia Williams ‘22

By now, everyone is exhausted by having to find new innovative ways to fill the long days of quarantine. However, boredom often leads to innovation, which is why I’ve pulled together a list of some fresh new takes on how to make the most of our time at home.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

My Favorite Places to Nap on Campus

By: Antonia Le ‘22

Though I thought that I had outgrown nap-time when I left kindergarten, the truth is that I savor my naps more than ever now that I’m a second-year college student. I’ve even made a habit of taking naps in between my classes, in libraries, or in classroom buildings when I can’t get back to my dorm. If you’re looking for a place to sleep during a temporary study break this finals season (or you simply don’t want to go back to your dorm), here’s the list for you! Read below to learn more about my favorite nap spaces on campus.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Here’s What Self Care Really Is (4 Tough Love Tips)

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

At the end of a long day, you might put on a face mask and light a scented candle. Or maybe you draw yourself a bath and pour yourself a cup of tea to de-stress. This is what most of us would call self care. But I am going to push the boundaries here, and argue that none of that stuff is self care. It’s just the capitalist side of it. Really taking care of yourself is so much more than that, and I believe that these days more than ever, people are forgetting that. This is a time in history where the pressure to succeed is often greater than our willingness to be happy. It’s a time when being overly busy is applauded even when it comes at the expense of your well-being. You can’t just slap on a face mask and cover up for the missing hours of sleep, or the amount of adrenaline coursing through your veins from all the stress.

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Helpful Tips Trojans360 Helpful Tips Trojans360

Preparing Your Body + Mind for Winter: Finals, Seasonal Depression and Family

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20

Winter is tough. Get ready and stay ready. Yes, Winter is the season to spend time with family over the holidays, drink hot chocolate, and take cute pictures in your coziest gear, but the colder months can bring about challenges for many of us. Seasonal depression, finals-induced stress, family drama, and terrible skin are just a few of the perils that may affect us, college students.

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Health & Wellness, Campus Life Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Campus Life Trojans360

USC’s “Let’s Talk” Program -- An Overview

By: Antonia Le ‘22

As college students, one of the hardest things for us to do is to take care of our mental health. With midterm season still in full swing for some, while social and extra-curricular responsibilities continue to exist, it’s difficult to find time to sit down and ask yourself, “Am I okay?”. If the answer is no, then it’s near impossible to start making efforts to improve one’s own mental health. I’ve struggled with mental health issues all throughout high school and through my freshman year of college, and for the longest time, I was good at bottling up my feelings and pushing through. However, this semester, I’m taking a harder course load than ever, and I couldn’t deny my own feelings. I needed to talk to someone who would understand how to help me. As a result, I made the trek over to STU 422, where I decided to talk to a counselor for the first time in my entire life.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

The Trojan Farmer’s Market

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but every Wednesday—right on USC’s campus in McCarthy Quad—is a farmer’s market. It’s honestly such a great system considering that USC is kind of in a food desert. Meaning: it can be pretty difficult to get fresh and nutritious food options around here. The introduction of Trader Joe’s and Target in the village has been a total lifesaver, but it’s so nice to have the farmer’s market to supplement your fridge stash with fresh, local, beautifully glistening produce, and support local businesses at the same time. Haven’t checked it out? Read on to find out what amazing stuff you’re missing at the farmer’s market, and why farmer’s markets are better than traditional grocery stores:

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

Staying Well During Midterms

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

It’s the height of midterm season and everyone around you is getting sick. The combination of lack of sleep, stress, and lack of self-care can easily lead to you feeling unwell when you most need to be at your best. It’s easy to forget to do the things that keep us well when things get hectic, leading to a positive feedback loop of stress. Here are some reminders and tips for you to be and stay well!

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College Trojans360 College Trojans360

Surviving College as an Introvert

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

So, you’re an introvert, huh? Me too. I didn’t even realize it until I got to college. In high school, I’d hang out with my friends after school on a regular basis. I went on fun trips and hangouts all the time. And after all of that socializing, I got to go home at the end of the day. But college is one crazy ride. You’re surrounded by your friends 24/7. There are events happening nearly every weekend from parties, to club meetings, to concerts. And living in a big city like Los Angeles, there are always more fun events demanding your time and attention.

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College Trojans360 College Trojans360

I Made All of My Meals in a Toaster Oven for a Week

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Okay, I’ve done some pretty wild food challenges in the past (check out my adventure of eating raw vegan in the USC dining halls for a week, here!) but this time, it wasn’t voluntary. I’m gonna let you guys in on a secret: Adulting is hard. This is my first year living off campus in non-USC housing, and my roommates and I completely forgot that paying for our own gas is… a thing? For those of you who have had the wonderful fortune of living in university housing, where they take care of that stuff for you, let me explain. Your landlord does not pay for your gas! (Well, sometimes they do, but check your lease agreement to be sure!) And guess what? Stoves and ovens run on gas! So… for an entire week, while my roommates and I waited for the gas company to come and flip a switch to get our stove up and running, I had to make do with the few appliances we had: a rice cooker, an electric kettle, and my one true savior: a toaster oven.

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First Years, Health & Wellness Trojans360 First Years, Health & Wellness Trojans360

How I Learned to Love Myself and USC After a Rough First Semester

By: Antonia Le ‘22

Trigger warnings for mentions of anxiety, depression, and suicide.

I’m still trying to process the fact that my freshman year at USC is almost over. I’m heading into my second round of finals, and the first final I have coming up is for my 400-level math class. Right now, I’m really hoping that this past year has been a dream, and tomorrow I’ll wake up as a high school senior who doesn’t have to take a Theory of Numbers final.

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