Surviving College as an Introvert

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

So, you’re an introvert, huh? Me too. I didn’t even realize it until I got to college. In high school, I’d hang out with my friends after school on a regular basis. I went on fun trips and hangouts all the time.  And after all of that socializing, I got to go home at the end of the day. But college is one crazy ride. You’re surrounded by your friends 24/7. There are events happening nearly every weekend from parties, to club meetings, to concerts. And living in a big city like Los Angeles, there are always more fun events demanding your time and attention. 

All of that constant stimulation can get exhausting for anyone. But introverts have a special need for alone time. There are some misconceptions about the exact definition of extroverts and introverts, but technically speaking, an extrovert is someone who gets energy from social interactions, and an introvert is someone who gets energy from alone time.

In college, you’re constantly surrounded by people. It can be a struggle finding the time to decompress. Over the years, I’ve found creative ways to sneak in some me time so that I can get the rest that I need.

Here are my best tips for when you really need to get away:

Get lunch by yourself

You do not need to have someone go with you to eat. Head to the dining hall by yourself. Grab a salad at Seeds and tuck yourself into the back corner of one of the booths at TCC. Use lunch as your alone time. Decompress and catch up on your Netflix shows.

Take a night walk

I like to take walks at night on campus because it’s so quiet and peaceful. It’s the perfect way to finally be alone with your thoughts. For safety reasons, it’s best to walk on the USC campus if you’re going for a night walk. If you live off campus, take a Lyft over and get to walking!

Make your room your own personal hideout

My roommate is an introvert too, so she set up curtains and bookcases around her bed– sort of as her own personal hidey-hole. It works out perfectly. This way, we both have some privacy and separation from each other when we need it. If you can’t put up curtains, consider one of these bed tents!

College is a whole lot of fun, but you really have to get creative to get some quality me time. Hopefully this gives you some ideas about how to stay sane in an environment of constant overstimulation. I love a good party and will totally shake it on the dance floor, but my lunch times are sacred, and one of my favorite places on earth is curled up underneath my blankets. You just have to do what you can to make it through.

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