USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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Five Ways to Spice Up Your Daily Walk

By: Star McCown ‘21

Daily walks have become a staple part of most people’s quarantine routine, but taking the same walk every day for over a year can make the walk feel dull. Here are five ways you can spice up your daily walk and make it more fun!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Valentine’s Day Ideas: What to do with your 5 Love Languages Result

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

With Valentine’s day just around the corner, now’s the time to find out your love language, or how you most prefer to be loved. Keep reading to find self-love ideas (after all, you should be your own best lover) or Valentine’s ideas be it for friends or your special someone.

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College Trojans360 College Trojans360

Surviving College as an Introvert

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

So, you’re an introvert, huh? Me too. I didn’t even realize it until I got to college. In high school, I’d hang out with my friends after school on a regular basis. I went on fun trips and hangouts all the time. And after all of that socializing, I got to go home at the end of the day. But college is one crazy ride. You’re surrounded by your friends 24/7. There are events happening nearly every weekend from parties, to club meetings, to concerts. And living in a big city like Los Angeles, there are always more fun events demanding your time and attention.

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Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360

How to Stay Awake in Class Without Coffee

By: Antonia Le ‘22

We’ve all been there. You tell yourself that you’ll stay up a little bit to study for your midterm, but when it comes time to actually take the test, you find yourself wanting to doze off halfway through. Or maybe you had a great night’s sleep, but there’s that one professor whose voice just puts you to sleep. However, you might not want to reach for that cup of coffee just yet. Drinking too much caffeine (or caffeine at the wrong time of day) can mess up your sleep schedule and send you into an infinite loop of feeling tired, reaching for a cup of coffee, and not getting enough sleep. Instead, try these tricks for staying awake in class!

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College Trojans360 College Trojans360

I Made All of My Meals in a Toaster Oven for a Week

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Okay, I’ve done some pretty wild food challenges in the past (check out my adventure of eating raw vegan in the USC dining halls for a week, here!) but this time, it wasn’t voluntary. I’m gonna let you guys in on a secret: Adulting is hard. This is my first year living off campus in non-USC housing, and my roommates and I completely forgot that paying for our own gas is… a thing? For those of you who have had the wonderful fortune of living in university housing, where they take care of that stuff for you, let me explain. Your landlord does not pay for your gas! (Well, sometimes they do, but check your lease agreement to be sure!) And guess what? Stoves and ovens run on gas! So… for an entire week, while my roommates and I waited for the gas company to come and flip a switch to get our stove up and running, I had to make do with the few appliances we had: a rice cooker, an electric kettle, and my one true savior: a toaster oven.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Why Scooters are the Best Way to Get Around USC

By: Antonia Le ‘22

I never thought I’d be kind of person to ride around USC on a scooter. In fact, during my first semester at USC, I walked to every class. I was a transportation purist, intent on achieving my daily 10,000 steps. Everything changed when I registered for classes for the spring semester. Against my best intentions, I found myself having a class in Taper Hall ten minutes after my class in Kaprielian Hall ended. According to Google Maps, it takes 11-13 minutes to make the trek, and that’s without anything going wrong. How was I supposed to get from KAP to THH in ten minutes? So, not wanting to be late for class every day, I decided to get a scooter. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made since coming to USC. In fact, I believe that scooters are the best way to get around campus.

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Career, Campus Life Trojans360 Career, Campus Life Trojans360

6 Things to Consider When Declaring a Minor

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

It’s my junior year at USC, and I have decided to declare a minor. You can do it too! Sometimes it feels like it’s way too late to change your mind. It feels like it’s way too late to try something new or discover a new passion. I know that feeling. I thought I was too old to wander into new academic territory; after all, I’m a junior, and I’m adding a completely new minor to my academic plan. Maybe there’s a minor you’ve been eyeing or a double major you’re considering, but you wonder if it’s too late, or too much work, or too difficult. First of all, I would recommend that everyone should look into a minor, just because there are so many cool things to study, especially at USC, and your college years are the perfect opportunity to explore your passions and interests. Second, if you are considering adding a minor, there are six things you should take into account:

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Trojans360 Trojans360

A Ranking of All 6 USC Starbucks

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Yes, USC does have six different Starbucks locations either on campus or just nearby. And yes, I did get coffee at all six places just so I could conduct a proper review. I ordered the same drink at every location (decaf iced chocolate macchiato with almond milk) in order to judge fairly.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

I Went to the Career Center for the First Time

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Before this week, I had never been to a career fair, I had never visited the career center, and I wasn’t doing internships that were even remotely related to my major or career interests. Oh. And I’m a first-semester junior. Watching my friends look for internships and jobs to boost their resume made me happy for them, but also a little scared for myself. Was I behind? Did I need to be networking my butt off in the way all my friends were?

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Trojans360 Trojans360

New Year, Not So New You

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

The new year is coming up soon, and that means it’s almost time to start thinking about a New Year’s resolution. Instead of making some cliche resolution about eating healthier, or something you won’t realistically accomplish like working out everyday, pick something that’s actually attainable. Chances are you don’t even remember what your resolution was last year. That’s why I want to challenge you to this: Come January, make a resolution that’s unique and actually write it down. Writing down your goals makes it much more likely that you’ll actually achieve them. So, let’s get into it! Here are 10 not cliche New Year’s resolutions you could take for your own!

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Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360

How to Make Time for the Things You Love

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Okay, I’m going to be real. When I tell people that I love to read, I often hear in response, “Oh, I do too. I just don’t have any time to read.” Which I think is a terrible excuse. (Sorry if that was the excuse you were going to use too.) But I just find a statement like that patently false. Because if you really love something, and you truly enjoy it, you would make time for it. So, just be honest: You don’t like reading all that much, so, in your free time, you’re watching Netflix. You say: No, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong! You say: I love to read. Really. I do. But after studying all day, Netflix is just the easiest way to relax. If I didn’t have to do so much reading for class, I would read for pleasure too, honest. Alright, sure. I believe you. But, I propose a challenge for you. I want to challenge you to make time to do something you love this week.

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