How to Make Time for the Things You Love

by Alexis M Peters ‘20

Okay, I’m going to be real.

When I tell people that I love to read, I often hear in response, “Oh, I do too. I just don’t have any time to read.” Which I think is a terrible excuse. (Sorry if that was the excuse you were going to use too.) But I just find a statement like that patently false. Because if you really love something, and you truly enjoy it, you would make time for it. So, just be honest: You don’t like reading all that much, so, in your free time, you’re watching Netflix.


You say: No, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong! You say: I love to read. Really. I do. But after studying all day, Netflix is just the easiest way to relax. If I didn’t have to do so much reading for class, I would read for pleasure too, honest.

Alright, sure. I believe you.

But, I propose a challenge for you. I want to challenge you to make time to do something you love this week.

Maybe reading for pleasure isn’t something you love to do. Maybe you love to draw, or sing, or run, or play guitar, or volleyball, or write poetry. Whatever it is, I want you to carve out an hour of time this week to do what you love. Just one measly hour in the whole week. I bet you could even find two hours.

We have to stop making excuses. Nothing that you do– not even going to school at USC– should take precedence over your doing the things that make you happy. Humans are quite goal-oriented animals. We ask children what they want to be when they grow up, we ask high schoolers where they want to attend college, we ask ourselves as college students what we want to do after graduation. Goals are great to have, but it means that we’re always looking forward, always looking ahead for that thing in the future that is finally going to make us happy.


But instead of always focusing on that future destination, we have to live in the now, and make sure that we’re happy right where we are. In the words of Miley Cyrus, “It’s the climb.” So, if your climb includes curling up with a book, or laughing with friends, or baking a pie, or whatever it is that makes you happy, then climb on!

So, here we go. Three tough love tips on how to make time for the things you love:

1. Stop making excuses!


Seriously, no more of this “I don’t have any time,” stuff. The truth is, you haven’t been prioritizing yourself, but that ends here.

2. Set aside dedicated time in the week for you

Thursday nights starting at 6 o’clock are just for you. Or maybe it’s Sunday morning, or Wednesday afternoon. Look for places in your schedule where you can carve out an hour or two, and I’m sure you’ll find more time to spare than you thought you had.


3. Just do it!

You have to live for you. You have to pursue the things that make you happy, otherwise you’ll just end up joining the rat race along with everyone else. Make time for self care. Make time for YOU. Because you’re worth it.


Thank you, Shia, for your wonderful insight.

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