Trojans360 Articles
Friendsgiving Recipe Ideas
Here are all of the Friendsgiving recipes, from appetizers to desserts, that will make your gathering deliciously unforgettable. Most importantly, Friendsgiving isn't just about the perfect dish; it's about spending time with all of your close friends.
LGBTQ+ History Month at USC
LGBTQ+ History Month takes place throughout the month of October and has become an integral part of the USC community for more than fifty years. The origins of this celebration date back to 1970, when a group of students and faculty established the Gay Liberation Forum. This initiative aimed to advocate for the rights and recognition of LGBTQ+ individuals. After years of dedicated activism and perseverance, the movement achieved a significant milestone in 1975 when it was officially recognized by the USC Board of Trustees. This acknowledgment marked a pivotal moment in the university’s history, solidifying the importance of LGBTQ+ issues within the campus community.
Club Spotlight: Trojan Marketing Group
Have you ever dreamed of bringing creative marketing campaigns to life for real companies? At Trojan Marketing Group (TMG), you’ll do exactly that and so much more! TMG is USC’s very own full-service, student-run, pro-bono marketing agency, where passionate members work together to create impactful, story-driven campaigns for businesses and non-profits across Los Angeles. Want to know what it’s really like behind the scenes? During this club spotlight, I’ll give you the insider’s scoop on all things TMG.
Why I Regret Majoring in Political Science
A common refrain that you might expect to hear from Political Science majors is, “Majoring in Political Science made me realize I hate politics.” As a bright-eyed underclassman, I didn’t think this would be what I would become. I had dreams of becoming a political journalist with wide expertise. I would “speak truth to power.” I would “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” These are sentiments I hold a great respect for still, but the avenue that I see myself fulfilling these pursuits has changed dramatically.
The Best Spots to Get Coffee on Campus
Even though Starbucks is constantly throwing out new drinks, it’s still easy to get tired of just Starbucks. As a self-proclaimed coffee lover and fun drink connoisseur, seeing how many coffee shops there were on campus was exciting, but also a little confusing. I wasn’t sure which one would become my favorite, because how could anything replace my favorite hometown coffee shops?
Interning in New York City During the Summer
This summer was an absolute whirlwind. Like many others can attest to, the process of obtaining an internship and then moving to a new city to work for three months can be extremely exciting but also nervewracking. Transitioning from applying for my L’Oréal internship to studying abroad in Milan last spring to moving straight to New York City for my internship was a hectic experience, especially as an LA native, but it was definitely manageable and enjoyable!
6 Things No One Tells You About USC
When I started at USC, I hadn’t toured the campus or even stepped foot in the area before I accepted my admissions offer. I was about as clueless as I could be. I’m not from California, and certainly not from Southern California, so it was definitely an adjustment in every possible way. I distinctly remember buying chapstick during my first semester and my jaw actually dropping at the price. Here’s what I wish I could’ve learned from my online research about USC and student experiences before I got here.
4 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet as a College Student
The thought of owning a pet during your college career has probably crossed your mind once or twice. Having a little, cuddly friend sitting on your lap while you're studying or having a pet to come home to after a long day of classes seems like the perfect way to beat the isolation of finals season. However, with the hustle and bustle of school and the never ending assignments, owning a pet can seem impossible.
Why I Decided to Drop my Minor in Digital Studies
Last semester, I wrote an article titled “Why I Decided to Minor in Digital Studies.” Meet her older, slighter wiser sister article, “Why I Decided to Drop my Minor in Digital Studies.” I recommend reading the prior article before this one for extra context, but if you enjoy a good TLDR: I am a cognitive science major interested in working in product design. I declared a minor in Digital Studies because I thought it would include courses that would help develop skills for a career in product design, while also allowing me the benefits of being a SCA student.
USC’s New Sustainability Hub: A Beacon of Environmental Innovation
USC’s new Sustainability Hub marks a significant stride in its commitment to the environment. This multi-use space is designed as a physical embodiment of USC’s “Assignment: Earth” initiative, aimed at cultivating an eco-friendly campus and planet.
Budget-Friendly and Speedy Health Eats for Busy College Students
While people often make lofty New Years resolutions that quickly fall by the wayside, there’s also more sustainable adjustments we can make to kickstart the new year. Here’s a guide to making quick, affordable, and healthy recipes to support your wellness year-round from the comfort of your dorm microwave or apartment kitchen.
New Years Resolutions and Preparations for USC Students
As December and Spotify Wraps start rolling out, people start talking about their New Year’s resolutions. Commonly, these resolutions focus on diets or exercise. Although these are both great resolutions, I have formulated a list of more college-related resolutions for the 2024 New Year if you’re looking to establish some better habits for the spring semester!