My Favorite Places to Nap on Campus

By: Antonia Le ‘22

Though I thought that I had outgrown nap-time when I left kindergarten, the truth is that I savor my naps more than ever now that I’m a second-year college student. I’ve even made a habit of taking naps in between my classes, in libraries, or in classroom buildings when I can’t get back to my dorm. If you’re looking for a place to sleep during a temporary study break this finals season (or you simply don’t want to go back to your dorm), here’s the list for you! Read below to learn more about my favorite nap spaces on campus.

VKC Library

Because it’s not as big as Leavey or Doheny, most people don’t think of the VKC Library as one of their top study spots. However, this also means that there’s generally not a lot of people in VKC, and there’s always somewhere to sit.

What’s great about VKC is the amount of plush, comfortable armchairs they have. These armchairs are absolutely perfect to sit down and nap on. I know that I’ve fallen asleep a few times one of the library’s armchairs. 

If you’re lucky, you might be able to snag a spot in one of the library’s sofas and completely spread out your entire body. Though I can’t say I’ve taken a nap on one of these couches, I can say that I’ve sat on them to study and I’ve seen other students use them to nap. They’re extremely warm and cozy, and VKC is often so quiet that there’s no way you’ll be judged or disturbed by other students.

Tutor Campus Center - Trojan Family Room 

This might be an unpopular opinion, but the Trojan Family Room at TCC has some of the best seating on campus. Just like VKC, this place is also generally quiet, and the seating is comfortable enough to curl up and nap in. Moreover, it has the benefit of being just an area where people hang out and study instead of being a library; there’s less shame napping here than, say, napping at Leavey.

Moreover, this nap area just happens to be located near the TCC food court, so if you’re the kind of person who likes to take a post-lunch nap, this is the perfect place for you! You’ll also enjoy napping here if you’re the kind of person who likes to drink caffeine before your naps (so you don’t wake up feeling groggy).

Overall, the Trojan Family Room is one of the best nap spots on campus: shameless, centrally located, and quiet. What more could you want?

Doheny Memorial Library - East Asian Library

I always find myself sinking into the couches at the entrance to the East Asian Library in Doheny. They’re extremely comfortable, and the overall quiet, cozy atmosphere of Doheny makes it super easy to fall asleep. Moreover, the East Asian Library is a little bit out of the way, as far as locations in Doheny goes; it’s in a different direction from the first-floor study areas that people generally gravitate towards in the library, and the other study areas are on different floors. This means that there’s generally little foot traffic near the entrance to the East Asian Library, so you’re generally able to get some quiet, privacy, and comfort if you find yourself needing to sleep.

This place is a great place to nap as a study break. If you’re feeling tired from studying for finals, you can sit down at one of the couches and rest your eyes for a little bit before heading back to one of the bigger study areas to get back on the grind. I definitely know where I’ll be when I need to start studying for my IR final.

SCA Upper Floors

Technically there’s a sign saying the upper floors of the SCA building are reserved for students of SCA only, but, in reality, no one is checking to see if you’re an SCA student when you’re heading up the elevator. Moreover, the chairs they have all over the floors are extremely cozy, and I often find myself dozing off in them if I have twenty minutes to spare before my screenwriting class. There’s a little more noise in SCA than there would be in a library, but it’s nothing to lose sleep over, and I often find that a little white noise helps me fall asleep faster. 

Leavey Library

I know what you might be thinking: “Leavey Library? Isn’t that where happiness goes to die?” Yes, I admit that no one really likes Leavey. Sure, these chairs are a bit harder than the ones in Doheney or VKC Library, but there are so many there that there will always be one available, and most of them are located near outlets, unlike the ones in Doheny or VKC Library. At Leavey, you can kill two birds with one stone: nap and charge your phone. When you’re done, you can just go right back to studying. 


Half of the time, if I’m napping, I’m napping on one of the couches in GFS. Though there’s typically a lot of noise during the passing period between classes, GFS is dead silent otherwise. The couches, while not as plush as the ones in VKC Library or Doheny, are good in a pinch. There’s also the bonus that if you have a class in GFS after your nap, the noise created by people coming in and out can function as your alarm. Though GFS isn’t my top nap place, I can’t deny that it has made this past semester survivable for me. 

Student Union Building - APASS Office (STU 410)

This semester, I’ve made a habit of taking 9 am naps (after my 8 am classes) in the APASS office. They have some really nice couches, and they have stuffed animal decorations in the office that they let you hug, even if you’re just any random student coming in and hanging out. Moreover, if you ask one of the staff members, they’ll tell you where they keep the blankets. Is there truly any better place to nap?

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