USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Healthy Places to Channel That End of Semester Anxiety

I’ve been very guilty lately of pouring my end of semester-graduation-moving anxiety into endless doom-scrolling. When you’re anxious, it can be hard to focus or find a sense of relief from your whirling thoughts. You can’t work on school projects or studying for all of your waking hours (or at least you shouldn’t), so here’s some inspiration for where to channel any finals stress and anxiety that you’re feeling as the end creeps up.

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College, Campus Life Trojans360 College, Campus Life Trojans360

Balancing Your Social Life During Finals

It’s that dreaded time of the semester again. As classes draw to a close and many of us book our tickets home for Thanksgiving, there’s one thing in the back of everyone’s minds — finals. During this period, it’s natural to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and agonized by the amount of work professors expect us to do in such a short amount of time. Hearing the same four study tips certainly doesn’t help.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

My Favorite Places to Nap on Campus

By: Antonia Le ‘22

Though I thought that I had outgrown nap-time when I left kindergarten, the truth is that I savor my naps more than ever now that I’m a second-year college student. I’ve even made a habit of taking naps in between my classes, in libraries, or in classroom buildings when I can’t get back to my dorm. If you’re looking for a place to sleep during a temporary study break this finals season (or you simply don’t want to go back to your dorm), here’s the list for you! Read below to learn more about my favorite nap spaces on campus.

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