8 Words that have a Different Meaning When You Go to USC

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

Knowing that you go to the greatest university of the world can change you in some ways. One of those ways is linguistically. Here at USC, we have some different ways to describing things or places. Take a look through the list and see how many you recognize!


1. Lemonade

In a sentence: “I’m gonna go eat my lemonade!”

What other people think it is:


A refreshing drink usually sold by small children at a stand in a small suburban cross street.

What USC student know it as:


A slightly overpriced but delicious restaurant in Campus Center where the lemonade is delicious but the white truffle mac n cheese is even better.

2. Row

In a sentence: “I live on the Row”

What others think it is:


The opposite of a column, a horizontal configuration of data.

What USC knows it to be:


28th street between Figueroa and Hoover, where most of the IFC and PHC sororities reside

3. 9-0

In a sentence: “Are you going to the 9-0 tonight??”

What other people think it is:


Numbers, possibly football record back when USC when it was in its hay day

What USC knows it to be:


Short from 901 and pronounced (nine-oh), it is the closest bar in walking distance to the university

4. Traditions

In a sentence: “Where even is Traditions?”

What other people think it is:


A song in Fiddler on the Roof about the social norms in Anatevka or the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.

What USC knows it to be:


(Also known as “Traddies”) A delightful restaurant/bar on campus that has TVs all around, is a great place to watch away games, and is right below the campus center.

5. New North

In a sentence: “New North is usually disgusting”

What other people think it is:


The opposite of Old South??

What USC knows it to be:


A freshman dorm that is home to the Cinema floor, the health and wellness floor, and a majority of the freshman Greek community.

6. The Coliseum

In a sentence: “I’m going to the Coliseum later today”

What most people think it is:


A beautiful and ancient stadium in Rome where the Gladiators used to kill people with swords and lions.

What USC knows it to be:


The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, which was built when Los Angeles was hosting the 1980 Olympics and currently where the USC Trojans compete in football games.

7. Fig

In a sentence: “Oh, it’s right off Fig”

What everyone else thinks it is:


A fruit, which can apparently help prevent heart disease

What USC knows it to be:


Short for Figueroa St, it is the major street along the side of USC’s campus, where most of the fast food places reside.

8. Holding the index and middle fingers up on the same hand

What everyone else thinks it is:


Peace, Love, and Happiness, dude. Usually thought of with hippies

What all of USC knows it to actually be:


The V for Victory, a common hand sign most recognizable as…

Fight on!


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