A Year Older—A Year Wiser?  Tommy’s Trivia Night


By Emily Young MA ‘16

 In honor of my 22nd birthday, a couple of friends and I ventured to Tommy’s Place for Trivia Night.  It’s a great time, even if you are like me and don’t know an assortment of random facts!


 Tommy’s Place is a fun, underground USC student venue that is located under the Ronald Tutor Campus Center.  Tommy’s has concerts, comedy shows, sports screenings, trivia, and karaoke.  It’s connected to Traditions Bar and Grill (or what us seniors like to call “Traddies”) so you can still order drinks and food.


Trivia Night takes place every Wednesday at 7:00pm.  It’s free and open to all ages.  Regardless if you participate for an evening or the semester, the rules are explained every night so feel free to show up and test your knowledge for a chance at prizes!

 Yesterday evening we assembled a well-rounded, dream team.  If I had to profile our team it would be: the athlete, ROTC officer, sorority sister, doctor in-the-making, and jack of all trades/Netflix king.  Having different knowledge bases definitely was a tool we used to our advantage.  Dubbed the “Tower of Trivia,” we started off our first round pretty poorly.  Since it was Earth Day, the first round was Earth Day questions.  Who knew that Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day?  


Just when things were starting to look pretty grim, the second round was 2000’s TV, a category well within our team’s wheelhouse.  We voted to use our Fight On bonus points towards that round and ended up being tied for third place after the round was over.  Round three was naming popular geographic places based on pictures. Note to all, the Great Barrier Reef does not look as great and large from a space aerial photo.


Round four was our Netflix king’s time to shine.  A SpongeBob round!  I’ve watched many episodes of SpongeBob and I could only answer two of the easy questions: Sandy is from Texas and SpongeBob’s pet Gary is a snail.  Our Netflix king got them all!  Do you remember the Alaskan Bull Worm episode or Planktons’ robots wife being named Karen?  I definitely need to watch more SpongeBob!  The final round was an anything goes round.  One question was about this year’s Swim with Mike scholarship recipient Jake Olson, who is blind and plays on the USC Football team.  


At the end of the night, we were still ranked third and won the three-way rock-paper-scissors battle for $10.00!  Triumphant, everyone agreed that we would go again next week.  Next Wednesday is the last trivia night of the semester so be sure to check it out!


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