Advice from a Spring Admit to Other Spring Admits

By: Camila Grases ‘21

Welcome to all the newest additions to our campus! During these first few weeks, perhaps you have started to feel as though you aren’t so welcome here, maybe if it’s because people already have groups of friends, a routine, an understanding of campus. If you are an introvert like me, this sentiment is probably even worse, the size of the university may be overwhelming. But do not worry, all your peers who seem like they have got it down were once in your position. My hope is that by the end of this post you feel welcome and you feel like you have a place here. It’s gonna take work but it’s worth it.

1. Join Clubs!!

I’m sure you’ve heard this one countless times since you got here but it’s true. Insert yourself into groups that spend time together. USC is big and intimidating, so narrow your world a little and meet people that are interested in the same things you are. From personal experience, I can say that joining Dragon Boat and Choir was the best decision I ever made. From day one, I was forced to meet people and interact. USC has over 1,000 clubs, there definitely will be something for you. This is your time to explore and try new things! You can find the list of clubs here

2. Explore the Campus

There are so many incredible little things about our campus. In your first year full of GE’s, your scope of the university is limited to the classes you are taking in Taper Hall or GFS or VKC. But there is so much more to our campus. You can learn a lot simply by taking a walk around. Go through buildings you are curious about or follow walk-ways through alleys between buildings. I personally recommend you take a buddy and explore the PED building, it’s kind of spooky but it made me realize how much history USC actually has. 

3. Relationships take Time

There’s a lot of pressure going into college about the expectations you are meant to have. For example, “these are the best years of your life” is something I’m sure we have all heard at some point. “This is the time you will make life-long friendships” is another popular saying that caused me some stress when I first got here. I did not understand how I was meant to make friends like that in a place so full of people. But it happens naturally and with a lot of work. You have to be able to dedicate time to your friends and to your significant others, and if you are not able to give it that time or that effort, it is alright! The people that matter will be there always to hang out with you whenever you can or are ready. 

4. Everyone will Forget you were a Spring Admit, even you!

This is a good thing, I promise. It’s like trying to remember your first impression of your best friend or the year you learned cursive for the first time. Eventually, you will become such a large part to some of your people’s lives they will forget that there was ever a college without you. As for you, the one-semester you missed may be significant now but it will seem like nothing in a few years. 

5. Keep Yourself Informed

A Fall admits resources are your resources too! There are plenty of scholarships, offices, and people, in general, you can talk to. It’s never too late to discover some of these places or things that will give you the security you need during your first semester. I recommend you check out the Alumni Scholarships which are available for all sorts of diverse students on campus and there is sure to be one for you. From personal experience, the Latino Alumni scholarship provided me with a support system, a place and people I could go to in case I needed anything at all. And there are plenty of small communities such as this one out there, don’t be afraid to immerse yourself. You can find more info here!

Overall, being a new kid can be really scary. Just trust that if you are yourself you will find yourself exactly where you need to be. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, every single person walking around you today has been in the same position and has received the support they needed at the time. You have a bright future ahead of you here. 

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