An Introverts Guide to Office Hours
Ellice Ellis ‘20
“Office hours” is a popular phrase on college campuses. It is mentioned in almost every syllabus and always comes up during conversations about school with family members, alumni, or academic counselors. Office hours are times that professors or teaching assistants (T/A) set aside to be available to their students. A student may go to see a professor or a T/A during office hours because they don’t understand class material, want guidance in the course, or to pursue a topic in more depth than it was covered in class.
Going to office hours seems like a pretty simple key to success, but if you’re an introvert or a shy person like myself meeting with your professor seems to be uncomfortable and scary. I’ll be honest, it was not until midterms of my first semester to feel 100% comfortable talking to my professors. I initially was very anxious and scared that I would have been disturbing the professor or asking “stupid questions.” However as time went on, I developed coping strategies that helped me to overcome my office hours jitters.
Going to office hours is a great way to start a long-lasting relationship with your professors and that relationship can start with an email. It seems really simple but sending your professor a “pre-office hour”’ email letting them know you are coming is a great way to get over the awkwardness of meeting them in person for the first time. Also, by sending an email first, you will not feel as though you are interrupting the professor and you can even give them a preview of why you’re coming during their office hours. Sending an email to your professor is also useful when discussing more personal situations. If your personal life is affecting your studies or if you are requesting for a retake or an extension of time to turn in an assignment; explaining your situation beforehand can help release any jitters and prevent you from feeling scared or over-emotional during your meeting.
Side Note: Do not forget to mention what class you’re in; USC is a large university so many professors teach multiple classes.
Now that you’ve sent your email let’s focus on you reasons for going to office hours. As I said before, for circumstantial requests I would suggest sending an email first. In other cases, my general strategy is to review my notes after lecture and write down all the questions or misconceptions I have. Sometimes I ask a friend or refer to the internet to clear up my confusion , but usually I refer to my professors for the heavier material. You could also annotate you readings or refer to old assignments that are graded for help as well. Personally, having notes or questions to take with me to when I visit a professor during office hours helps to prevent me from clamming up and being nervous.
Now you have sent your email, prepared your topics of discussion, and now you are on the way to office hours; let’s not forget a pen and your notepad so that you will be prepared to take notes. Remembering all the information that your professor gives you can be difficult. Writing things down is a great way to save the information for later. There will probably be periods of silence or awkwardness while you are doing this but that is fine. Going to office hours isn’t supposed to be like talking with your friends, you are there to better yourself as a student.
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While you’re writing all the great information down don’t be afraid to speak up! I have always been afraid of challenging or questioning authority; especially my professors. However, during office hours it’s different. You are not seen as being difficult but as a concerned student. It is not not rude nor are you attacking your professors as long as you remain respectful and speak appropriately. Expressing an issue with a grade that you received or engaging in a debate about class materials that is perfectly okay.
My last piece of advice about office hours is a great way to further your relationship with your professors. If you happen to be interested in the material you are learning or a topic discussed in lecture sparked your interest… ask about it! Attending office hours can quench your curiosity and open up to new opportunities. Your professor will take notice of your interest in their subject and could help you find internships and research opportunities in that area.
Whew! Office hours are done. You are no longer in the dark about the reading or maybe you even got an extension on your essay. Don’t forget to send a thank-you email to your professor. Kindness can get you a long way. For all my introverts, shy people or those just nervous about office hours; it’ll be fine. Do not forget to breathe and that professors are there to help you. Most importantly, always remember “…no question is a stupid question…!”-
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