Ask a Trojan: Getting Help from Professors


Hi Isabella! 

Thanks for your great question. I know you’re considering applying to USC next year and making sure you’ll be able to do your best academically is a really important factor when you look at colleges.

The short answer to your question is: YES! It’s so easy to get help from professors when you’re having difficulty with something…all you have to do is ask! 

All my professors have office hours at least once a week. That’s time they’ve set aside just to help students with questions they have. Every time I’ve stopped by, they’ve always been super friendly–not only answering my questions but also trying to get to know me better as a person! 

But Isabella, you also asked about other resources on campus. I know of some, but I figured I’d research more to help answer the question fully. And boy, there sure are a lot of great opportunities to get academic help at USC. These are the two most popular: the Writing Center has a lot of great resources to help out on essays. They’ll help you come up with a strong thesis and supporting points and they’ll even help proofread to make sure your commas are in the right place! The Math Center is also a great resource if you have a question about your math class. But there’s a whole list of resources for you to take advantage of as a USC student.  

In short there are tons of opportunities available to help you out academically. Your professors, TAs and academic advisors are all there to make sure you learn to the best of your ability–and they’ll help point you in the right direction to do so. 

Hope that answers your question, Isabella! 

-Cole Sullivan ‘18

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