USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

Trojans360 Trojans360

Ask a Trojan: Rec Letters and Rushing Panhellenic as an African American

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

Panhellenic Recruitment starts August 20th with the Rules Symposium. You can apply here until then but you may have some questions now. I am totally here for you! I rushed my freshman year, was on the sister side of recruitment my sophomore, & was the VP of New Member Education on the Panhellenic Council last year (Junior year)! So if you have any questions, just go to our ask box and ask away like s0phistique did! Her question was “What is it like for an african american student to rush a panhellenic sorority?”

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Ask a Trojan: Getting Help from Professors

By: Cole Sullivan ‘18

Hi Isabella! Thanks for your great question. I know you’re considering applying to USC next year and making sure you’ll be able to do your best academically is a really important factor when you look at colleges. The short answer to your question is: YES! It’s so easy to get help from professors when you’re having difficulty with something…all you have to do is ask!

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