Back To School Tips

by Maya Lopez ‘26

I love back to school season! This time of year always feels magical because the possibilities are endless. Ast the school year goes on, it's easy to fall into bad habits, but in August, I always like to pretend that's not going to happen. I’ve always  considered myself a pro at making back to school resolutions, but I struggled with keeping them. Last year, however, I was able to make my healthy habits stick. So, without further ado, here are my back to school tips to help you start off the school year on the right path… and stick to it!

Make a List of Goals

The best way to start off the school year right is to know what you want out of the semester. Take the time to reflect on what you want for yourself this school year and write down goals accordingly. This is extremely valuable at this time of year because, with so much change, it is so easy to incorporate some new habits that’ll get you closer to where you want to be. Additionally, it can help you know what you want to accomplish during the semester in big picture terms so you can start making progress towards your goals. 

Plan a Morning Routine

Oftentimes, we hope that as the school year progresses we’ll fall into some sort of routine and get the hang of things. While this is true to a certain extent, just “winging it” leaves room for bad habits to form. I recommend planning out what your ideal morning routine looks like. Even if you don’t end up following it completely, it gives you a good starting off point to adapt to as your schedule changes.  

Check WebReg to See if You Can Get Into Better Classes

Let's be honest – unless you’re an athlete or rising senior, you didn’t get your ideal schedule. But don't lose hope! The first few weeks of classes are so hectic, and people often drop even the most popular classes. To optimize your ability to capitalize on this schedule movement make a list of the classes you’d ideally like to get into. Then, get an app to track openings in those classes for you. I like to use the app Coursicle, but I know many people also use the Chrome extension. When choosing classes to try to get into, prioritize ones with teachers that have high Rate My Professors scores over the ones with convenient times. 

Get Involved

If you’ve ever wanted to try something new on campus, now is the time! Don’t worry if you’re an upperclassmen and feel awkward about joining a new club or organization a few years into your time at USC. People are always trying new things. The involvement fair happens close to the start of the school year, which is perfect because classes won’t be too overwhelming yet as you choose your extracurricular activities. I highly recommend going to the fair and putting your name on some email lists. Keep an open mind to trying a new club or hobby you might not have considered before. 

Make a Friend in Every Class

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have someone in each of your classes that you can reach out to. At the beginning of the year, you might think that you’ll go to every class and stay super on top of your work, but in case you don’t, and even if you do, having a friend to text with questions or to study with helps so much. Try to find at least one friend in each of your classes – and who knows – maybe you’ll stay friends after the semester. 

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