About Kelly

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

I would probably say “yo” or “sup” ironically if we ever met in normal human interaction but since you are meeting me through the interwebs, I will be very polite and formal.

Hello. My name is Kelly Kinas. See? Couldn’t you feel the firm handshake after the “hello”? I could. Either way, I’m a sophomore communications major, marketing minor. I am a part of the Executive Board of the Panhellenic Council and Trojan Dance Marathon. Get ready to see my face….



Anyways, Trojan Dance Marathon is an awesome philanthropy on campus that culminates in a 12 hour dance-a-thon in the Campus Center Ballroom. This year, it’s February 21st, 2015 from 2pm-2am (mark you calendars).  Our website is trojandm.org.


I am constantly singing and dancing when I’m listening to music on my way to class. I like listening to happy music and music that gets me pumped for the day because I believe that every day can be freaking legendary, if you start it off in a legendary way (usually that’s coffee and Boston’s “More Than a Feeling”). I’m super excited to join USC Communications to get everyone at USC more involved and excited about student run events on campus. There are so may options and events throughout the year and I believe that complacency after Freshman Year is definitely not an option.

One of the reasons I wanted this position was to make a difference. With this, I would be able to reach a lot of people and try to change the culture surrounding and within USC. Campus safety, feminism, and just having people understand what they are saying and what is going on are my main goals. Doing those with humor and bit of pizzazz is just my style. I have already decided that the name of my autobiography will be “Bold, Confident, and a Little Bit Messy” because truthfully that is how I live my life.

I look forward to seeing everyone on campus and really making USC more educated and involved.

So long!!


About Lauren


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