About Lauren

By Lauren Brose ‘15

I’m gonna be real with you right now. Like many students at USC, biking is my primary form of transportation around campus. During my 0.7 mile (yes I actually calculated the distance for emphasis) from my apartment to the cubicle I am writing this bio post in, I was almost hit by not one but two cars. Honestly, what’s the deal? I am already clumsy enough as it is I do not need a car to further contribute to the scrapes and bruises I manage to get on my own thank you very much.

Ok, now that I got that bit of sass out of the way let’s move forward with what I was actually supposed to write about…

Hello there! Judging by the post title and the author’s name, I believe my name is Lauren. I come from a multi-cultural background and would consider my family to be my biggest inspiration. Here I am totally killin it and being queen of the universe. My older brother, Kai, is definitely one of the coolest dudes I know. He was almost the top of the pyramid until I came along… ;) 


I am a rather outspoken person with an endless supply of curiosity. That, I suppose, is what landed me in this position at USC Communications in the first place. I am, first and foremost, curious as to what a person who is a little fish in the vast SC (hehe, see what I did there?) can do for an entire community. I care about core issues that resonate within the college community such as health and wellness, career development and also whatever the heck is cooking in our fantastically big brains– but before I bore you and get carried away with those topics, here’s an aesthetically pleasing landscape shot of London… and then there’s me photobombing it. 


Last summer I quit being a talker and became a doer and finally visited Europe for the first time. I spent an amazing two weeks exploring London and Amsterdam without a single clue of what each day would offer. It had to be the most liberating feeling ever because if you knew “School Lauren,” she carries around a planner with pages that’s not only color-coded but also covered in post-it notes. In Europe, I found platform 9 ¾, really strong Belgium beer, RL Grime & Wave Racer, my sorority sister Eve in her hometown Richmond, Nandos, the curry mile, love, and lastly, lifelong memories of a world unlike any i’ve ever experienced. 


Alas, once a Cali girl always a Cali girl. Now that I am back in my home state I continue my studies as a Public Relations major. This year, I look forward to tearing it up at the football games, exploring the music scene & nightlife in LA and of course balancing my social life, academics and personal health. In my 21 years as an earthling, I feel like I have lived a pretty fruitful life and am here to offer any guidance and advice. I am here for you; so email me, message this Tumblr anonymously if you want to keep your identity a secret, just please don’t be shy! After all, we are a family and the Trojan family is for life. 

If you think I am a character then feel free to follow me on my social media outlets: Twitter, Instagram


There's No Real "Con" in Being Confident


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