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The Guide to Breakups

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

For everyone who’s gone through one before… breakups suck. It’s as if your best friend dropped from the face of the planet and now, suddenly, you no longer have that go-to person to talk to about everything. I am in no way a relationship expert as I have been fortunate enough to have only experienced a breakup once. Still, I remember the awkward period of time where I had no idea what to do with myself— or, as I now put it, my newfound freedom. There’s a number of things that I recommend doing as well as not. I’m not ashamed to admit that revamping my life after nearly 3 years of being in a relationship was pretty scary at first. But, with a new mentality and my real best friends by my side, I was able to experience my best year ever.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Can You Go The Distance? Not Everyone Can

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

Having a relationship during college is a fairly controversial matter—and by controversial I mean that depending on whom you ask, attitudes toward it varies. Many view their college years as a time to find themselves, make lifelong friends and discover our potential in the field(s) pursued. Often times, having a significant other just doesn’t fit in. I have friends who don’t see the logic in wasting their precious youth on a person they most likely won’t end up with. For them, the trade-off of focusing on themselves far exceeds focusing on a boyfriend or girlfriend. I don’t necessarily disagree with that. Relationships can be, at times, emotionally and mentally draining. It can also take up a lot of your time.

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Campus Life, Health & Wellness Trojans360 Campus Life, Health & Wellness Trojans360

THE HIGHEST OF HIGH PRIORITIES: Thanksgiving Break Netflix Watch List

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

Thanksgiving break is just weeks away. Many return home to be reunited with family but most importantly we have a ton (and I mean TON) of Netflix to catch up on. It seems like the norm these days is the watch Netflix when you’re not in the mood for human interaction. Ironically, when I go home to see my family we utilize Netflix as a means for getting everyone in the same room to enjoy quality home entertainment. Whatever you use Netflix for, consider some suggestions that I have received from family, friends and my personal (and eclectic I hope) taste.

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Feeling Stressed? You're not alone sistas and brothas

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

That awkwardly freaky moment when your insides are about to explode because you feel like you currently don’t have a very tight grasp on anything in your life. I’ve been there, you’ve been there, we’ve all been there– many times.

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About Lauren

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

I’m gonna be real with you right now. Like many students at USC, biking is my primary form of transportation around campus. During my 0.7 mile (yes I actually calculated the distance for emphasis) from my apartment to the cubicle I am writing this bio post in, I was almost hit by not one but two cars. Honestly, what’s the deal? I am already clumsy enough as it is I do not need a car to further contribute to the scrapes and bruises I manage to get on my own thank you very much.

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