8 Things you Should be Doing to Ace your Finals

By: Sophia Pei ‘22 and Camila Grases ‘21

Ah, good old finals are approaching. We know this can be a stressful time, but don’t fret. Here are some tips on end-of-the-semester stress management we’ve learned during our time here. We hope this information is just as helpful to you as it is to us.


1) Go to Lecture


Yes, you hear this one all the time. But it’s true. Attendance is necessary for classes you want to excel in. Even if your professor reads off the power points that are available on Blackboard, hearing them go over them will give you an idea of what points may be emphasized on exams as well as provide audio feedback which improves memory.

2) Go to the weekly SI sessions


If your class has SI leaders, attend them! SI leaders have aced the very class you’re now studying for and know what things will be on exams. They’re usually also outstanding individuals who are fun to talk to and are willing to give general advice. The weekly reviews are super useful. It’s casual enough that you feel comfortable asking all the dumb questions you don’t want to bother your professor about. Before each major exam, SI leaders prepare a 2 hour exam review session that goes over the things they believe will be covered on the test. Don’t know if you have SI sessions or when your SI sessions meet? Click here.

3) Do the Assignments (but not necessarily all the reading)


Do any assigned practice problems. If your professor went through the trouble to pick out practice problems, do them. They’ll probably echo exam problems. The assigned reading may be less necessary if your professor covers them in lecture, but if you’re confused by how a topic is presented in lecture, look over the book section. Check out Ellice’s tips for being a better reader in college.

4) Form Study Groups


Friends make anything more fun. Round up 4 or 5 people (any more than that would decrease productivity) and head to a study lounge. Teaching is the best way to learn, so teach the concepts you know well and have your friends explain the concepts you don’t know. Quizzing each other brings some fun competition and increases motivation to learn. Alexis reviews the best places to study on campus for you.

5) Go to your Professor’s Office Hours


Yes, there will be a line as finals come up so go early and miss the rush! It’s a great way to both get to know your professor better and seek clarification on assignments or concepts you don’t understand. See Danielle’s post about how to face your fears about office hours.

6) Go to the Writing Center


Struggling on your final essay? Go to the second floor of Taper Hall. Here, people are willing to help you brainstorm, organize, and edit your essay so it can be the most polished it can be. Make sure to make an appointment before heading on over!

7) Go to the Math Center


Alternatively, if you are struggling with math, the math center in KAP 263 is a great way to get help from graduate students and faculty. No need to make a reservation but if your question is very specific, be sure to double check when graduate students who specialize in your area are available. 

For help in a specific course, you can also request a peer tutor.

8) Visit the Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity


Hit a mental wall? Visit the Kortschak Center in the Student Union. They have everything from academic coaching to multiple little video workshops that can help you with anything from time management, self-care, and test prep. Read Lilly’s post about the center.

Finals are approaching! Don’t wait until the last week to study.

Good Luck Everybody and Study On!


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