Club Spotlight: Figure Skating Club (USCFSC)

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

Whether you’ve been skating since you were 8 or if this is your first time hearing about it, if you’ve ever had the desire to learn to figure skate, you should look into USC’s very own figure skating club. 

What is figure skating?

Figure skating is the competitive sport of free skating, involving footwork, jumps, spins. It can be done in groups or individually.

Fun fact: it was the first sport to be included in the winter Olympics

What is USCFSC?

USC Figure Skating Club is USC’s official figure skating club. It was founded in 2016 and aims to foster a community of skaters on campus through weekly practice sessions and social events. The club meets once a week to practice ice skating, and they compete and perform every semester. From Philz Coffee runs to movie nights, the club is also a great place to bond with other skating enthusiasts.

Can anyone join?

Yes! USCFSC welcomes all interested skaters regardless of skill level.

Does the club compete?

Yes! As an intramural club, USCFSC competes in regional competitions like Golden Bear.

What’s a typical practice like?

Based on your level, you receive instruction from the skating coach either 1:1 or in small groups. You spend the rest of the time practicing individually or working with other team members.

When is practice?

Practices are 4:15AM to 6AM Wednesday mornings.


Okay. Yeah. That was definitely my reaction too it’s the only time the club was able to reserve its own freestyle skate session. You’ll probably be tired but nothing like the cold 3AM LA winds to give you a wake-up call!

Where is practice?

Practice is held at the Pasadena Ice Arena. To carpool with other members, we meet at the intersection of Hoover and Jefferson at 4:15AM every Wednesday morning.

What are the figure skating tests?

Figure skating Moves in the Field tests range from pre-preliminary level to senior level. In order for skaters to compete at a level, they must pass the test that is at the level he/she wants to compete at. Once a skater passes a test, he/she cannot compete at levels below their highest tested level. USCFSC is a great opportunity to work on the necessary skills to pass each level and prepare for competitions.

How much are club dues?

For new members, there is a $365 payment that covers a team jacket, team shirt, transportation to and from practice, part of the fee for renting out the ice rink for practice, and part of the fee for skating coach. Returning members due is $280.

Why did YOU join?

I didn’t realize USC had a figure skating club until midway through last semester, but I knew from the moment I found out that I wanted to try it out. I used to figure skate when I was younger but haven’t skated since middle school. There are few things comparable to the feeling of gliding across the ice and I knew I wanted to experience that again. Initially, the practice time (rather ungodly hours) was a turn-off, but for me, the ability to skate again and improve made it worth it. Everyone on the team is also so beautiful, talented and kind and I’m excited to get to know them better. After all, there’s nothing like the shared experience of waking up at 3AM to practice together to ensure strong relationships. 

Have more questions? Check out the USCFSC website or email! Also, check out the club Instagram @uscfigureskating!

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