Don't Be THAT Roommate

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

Okay, we all know of these people or have the unfortunate luck to be living with them, but they are the people who are vindictive, passive aggressive, or just plain horrible roommates. You are not always going to enjoy who you are living with and skip off into the sunset. Life is going to be full of difficult people who are going to try to bring you down. Don’t let them. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you are either: 1. Oblivious and fine with everything (bless your pure, adorable soul) or 2. It’s you.


Here are some tips on how not to be THAT roommate.

NUMBER 1Clean after yourself, you pig


Now I know I am sometimes a little messy. I wash my clothes and leave them in a pile for a few days until I find time to fold them but don’t take up all your space with dirt, trash, and dirty clothes. Or anyone else’s space for that matter. Pick up after yourself every week; you can definitely find the time. If you can, do a little bit every day and don’t let it get to the point where your roommates have to text you to pick up your stuff. Sidenote: If your roommates DO text you to pick up your clothes or clean your area, JUST DO IT. They took time out of their day to text you about something that is bothering them; avoid conflict and do it. It’ll probably be better for you both anyway.

NUMBER 2: Don’t steal people’s things without asking


“Having a roommate is like having a second closet!” Sure, if your roommate’s chill with that. You ALWAYS have to ask to borrow a shirt or a dress. You cannot just take and think that it’s okay because you are roommates. That’s not how life really works. It takes 10 seconds to text your roommate asking to borrow something. Sidenote: If you borrow something, GIVE IT BACK TO THEM. Don’t wait two weeks because you WILL forget and it WILL get awkward. 

NUMBER 3: Eat your own food


This is a real struggle in a house full of sorority girls but either way, IF IT IS NOT YOUR FOOD, DO NOT EAT IT. This is like kindergarten, guys. Buy your own food and don’t steal someone else’s. I don’t care how hungry you are. Go buy subway or go to TCC. Don’t take someone’s food without asking and think they won’t notice. They will. I’m still looking for the Pizza Studio Stealer of '09. 

NUMBER 4: Listen


If your roommates have a conference with you and tell you that you are being difficult, please listen. This isn’t because they hate you and want to watch you suffer. You are all living in a room together, sharing a space for most of the day, and we all need to learn how to accommodate one another so everyone can be as happy as possible or at least feel comfortable to live. Don’t let your roommates walk all over you but compromise when needed. Listen to what they have to say and then figure out a way to fix it TOGETHER. You know what they said in High School Musical. Spoiler Alert: It’s “We’re All in This Together”. Either blast that song 24/7 or learn how to deal with your problems with your roommates it’s your choice. 


I know some people get thrown into a random living situations at USC and if it gets to be too much, contact your RA to see if you can move rooms. But at all costs, try to be nice to one another and learn how to live in the same room as someone. Trust me, it will be a skill you will need for the rest of your life. 

Fight on!


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