Don’t Sweat It: Getting Over Gym Anxiety at USC


By: Antonia Le ‘22

Let’s face it, with midterm season still in full swing and finals season edging closer every day, going to the gym is probably one of the last things in your mind. Even if there was all of the time in the world, many USC students do not take full advantage of the fitness opportunities available to them. Right on USC’s campus, there are two state-of-the-art fitness centers, the Lyon Center and the USC Village Gym, that students can walk in and use for free.

It’s normal to have anxiety over going to the gym (especially if you’ve never gone before, or have little knowledge of the machines), but there’s no better time than the present to start your fitness journey. Gym memberships will only get more expensive once you graduate, so if you wanna make the most of your USC experience, here’s some tips for getting over gym anxiety and living your best life.

1. Realize that nobody is looking at you


If you don’t look like a supermodel or a bodybuilder, the idea of wearing revealing athletic clothes and doing a bunch of sweaty exercises can seem like a nightmare, but trust me: you don’t have to worry about how you look when you’re working out.

One of the beauties of going to a college gym is that nobody else at the gym has the time to judge you for what you look like. I personally go to the gym for a “study break” during midterms, and people like me are not going to go out of our ways to look at someone who looks like they might be a gym novice.

In my experience, when I’m in the zone at the gym, I barely notice what is going on around me, much less the people around me. If you’re worried about people judging you, remember that nobody has the time to pay attention to you. Even if we did, we’re prioritizing ourselves.The next time you want to do some cardio or lift some weights, remember to prioritize yourself and forget about what other people think.

2. Don’t be afraid to learn


So you’ve never even touched a weight machine before, much less know what it does? Don’t sweat it. Many of the machines at USC’s gyms have QR Code stickers attached to them; if you want to figure out how a machine works, simply scan the QR Code on your phone, and you’ll be sent to a screen telling you the best way to use the machine in front of you.

If you don’t want to be seen on your phone at the gym, don’t feel guilty about looking up how to use some machines beforehand. Sure, everyone else at the gym seems fit and intimidating, but we all had to start somewhere. Why don’t you start right here, right now?

3. Don’t try to look good


You might be saying, “What? What’s the point of the gym if not to get fit?”

I understand your confusion. It seems that every time anyone talks about going to the gym, it’s about losing weight or getting a bikini body, but that mentality is more harmful than it is helpful. If you use your appearance as your primary motivator to go to the gym, you’ll end up exercising for a few weeks, achieving your desired body, not exercising anymore, and then losing all your progress. Then, you’re back to square one. You’ll be stuck in a cycle of exercising for a few weeks, and then stopping, and then starting again. That’s not doing anything to help your body.

Instead, make going to the gym about your physical and mental health. Set goals regarding your health and fitness; tell yourself that you want to sleep better (believe me, exercising does wonders for your sleep) or feel less winded when walking up the stairs to your dorm. When you make feeling good your motivation rather than looking good, it’s easier to motivate to yourself to go to the gym on the days where all you want to do is to lay in bed, and you’re more likely to exercise on a more regular basis, allowing you to improve your health.

4. Make deals with yourself


Sometimes, if I need a little extra motivation, I tell myself that I can indulge myself in dining hall ice cream or grab a candy bar from Target if I go work out. Providing yourself an incentive to get some exercise is a surefire way to get yourself out of your dorm room and into the gym.

On the other hand, if I’m swamped with work and cannot justify a real break, I tell myself that I’ll go to the gym for 20 minutes to an hour, and then return to my work. Being at the gym allows me to feel productive while giving myself a desperately needed mental break. It allows me to do something other than study without feeling like I’m wasting my time doing nothing. If you can’t find a good incentive, shift your perceptions and make going to the gym your new incentive. Trust me, it’ll make you feel great about yourself.

5. Make a killer workout playlist


When all else fails, put together some of your favorite, most energetic songs and turn up the music. Sure, the music playing over the gym speakers works too, but I know that I’m more motivated to run a little longer or lift some more weights when I’m listening to songs that make me feel badass and empowered. Here are some songs that I find myself loving when I’m working out.

  • “My Shot” - Hamilton Original Broadway Cast Recording: As college students, I’m pretty sure we can all relate to the phrase “I’m young, scrappy, and hungry,” and hearing Lin-Manuel Miranda sing about how he’s not throwing away his shot will motivate you to make the most of your own shot
  • “Power” - Little Mix: Is there really much more to explain? Power is a true empowerment anthem, and I dare you not to feel like a boss when you’re listening to it.
  • “DDU-DU DDU-DU” - BLACKPINK: Sure, you might not be able to understand the lyrics, but the fierce rapping and infectious melody give off serious empowerment vibes. When listening to this song, you can’t not imagine yourself as the hero of your own action movie, ready for your final fight.

6. Be kind to yourself


Lastly, it’s important to remember that your failures don’t define you. So what if you’re not able to run a ten minute mile anymore? So what if you have to lift the lightest weights at the gym? So what if you accidentally skipped a workout day? Don’t throw in the towel and give up. Lace up your running shoes and try again another day.

The road to self-improvement is not without its bumps, but it’s a road we all have to walk on. Don’t beat yourself for not attaining an impossible standard. Instead, remind yourself that getting out of bed, putting on exercise gear, and heading to the gym is a big step all on its own. Be proud of yourself for what you’ve achieved, and remember:


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