Events You Can’t Miss This Week

By Ellice Ellis ‘20

There is no better way make the most of your week than taking a study break and going to a cool event. Personally, I try to go to one non-academic event a week. I like to view them as mini-adventures, introduce myself to something new, meet new people, and take a break from studying.

So to help you create some new memories and learn something new here are some events happening this week (Jan 23rd-Jan 27th).

Tuesday: Barking to the Choir with Fr. Greg Boyle

This Tuesday (January 23rd) at the Caruso Catholic Center (across from the USC Village)

Father Gregory Boyle, the founder of Homeboy Industries, will be presiding at the 5:30pm Mass and then will give a talk at 6:30pm on his new book, Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship.


 His organization Homeboy Industries provides job training positions and free social services for formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women.

Father Boyle will share about on the lessons he’s learned working with gang members in Los Angeles.

RSVP via Facebook here:

Wednesday: ‘As Terrorism Evolves’: Book talk with Professor Philip Seib

Super interested in global politics and social media? Check out this talk hosted by USC Annenberg’s Center on Public Diplomacy.  Professor Philip Seib will be discussing his book As Terrorism Evolves: Media, Religion, and Governance on the rise of modern terrorist organizations with close attention to the linkages between media, religion, and violence. 


Photo from USC Annenberg’s Center On Public Diplomacy 

The event will take place this Wednesday (January 24th) in Wallis Annenberg Hall (ANN), 106 at noon. RSVP here:

Thursday: THINK Convo Kickoff with Motivate and Empower

Do you like to discuss the latest news and social justice topics? Are you ready to meet new friends? Come the Motivate & Empower’s THINK Covo Kickoff. The group will be discussing Relationships, Consent, and Sexual Assault in relation to recent events in Hollywood. The event will start at 7:00pm in Leavey Library. Pizza is served too. 


RSVP at:

Friday:  USC Thornton Symphony Concert

Head over to the Bovard Auditorium Box Office no later than 7:00pm sharp this Friday (January 26th) to pick up tickets for the USC Thornton Symphony Concert. Come out and listen to the Symphony in a wide-ranging program, including Richard Strauss’s spectacular tone-poem, Ein Heldenleben (A Hero’s Life).

Saturday: Friends & Neighbors Day with the USC Volunteer Center 

Looking for volunteer opportunities? Each year, USC students have the opportunity to make an impact together through Friends & Neighbors Day. This is a great way to meet new people and get involved with the Los Angeles community.  

Register to volunteer for Friends & Neighbors Day here: and view a wide variety of service projects to get involved in. 

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