The First Annual GOAT Awards

By Grace Carballo ‘17

Yesterday evening, I attended the 11th Annual Tommy Awards because an organization I am involved in, Women and Youth Supporting Each Other, was nominated for recognition for our service. (Side note, it is currently #WYSEWeek2015 if you want to check out what we’re all about). This was my first time experiencing the Tommy Awards, and though we did not win, and attendance in general was less than I anticipated, there was an impressive display of desserts and that is an award in and of itself. 

A group my roommate is a team leader in, Los Angeles Community Impact (LACI) won Student Organization of the Year and my sorority, Tridelta, won Best Greek Organization of the year so that was exciting and I clapped a lot, but it got me thinking of all the great people on campus who have helped me and presumably many others and expect nothing in return.

Where are their trophies? 

Well, here they are, only symbolically because I am out of scrap metal and didn’t have the closet space to bring my welding tools.

The 2013-2015 GOAT (Grace’s and Others’ Appreciation and Thanks) Awards

1) The friendly crossing guard for Alexander Science Center (at the Figueroa and Exposition intersection), for her kind greetings and words of encouragement when I run in the morning.

2) EVKitty, for sharing many a meals with me freshman year when I was a lone wolf with unlimited swipes. (I realize that EVKitty is not technically a person but after whining and dining together I’m willing to overlook this minor detail).

3) Unknown Good Samaritan, for turning in my debit card to DPS and leaving me all my money. My offer to buy you froyo, a burrito, or similar still stands. Also, is it possible we are soul mates? Please contact me. 

4) The man in charge of the Writing Center, for his unbelievably soothing voice on the phone, which has comforted me in my darkest hours, and for getting me appointments that have vastly improved my papers. Remember, kids, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but begging for help is almost crossing the line.  Call him, beep him, if you wanna reach him. 213-740-3691(This is the Writing Center number so only call if you actually want an appointment). 

5) My TA, Anthony, for allowing me to finish my midterm after I misread the instructions, answered only 2 of 3 essay questions when all 3 were required, and waltzed on out of the classroom thinking very highly of myself for finishing first, which never happens. Let this be a cautionary tale to us all.

6) Darielle, my Study Abroad advisor, for both her life advice and help with the logistics of planning three separate study abroad experiences. Also, for her rapid replies to my emails despite her jam-packed schedule. A meeting with her is like collaborating with sunshine. What a woman!

7) Regina, who I met on campus after she finished a 5K.  She took Dog, a stray dog I found while running near Expo Park, into her home and off my hands (no dogs in the dorms). She also paid for his surgery and named him Tommy (I called him Dog because “we belonged to no one, not even to each other”). This probably warrants a post of its own, so more on this later. For now, rest easy, knowing there are angels among us like Regina.

8) The guy who rides a very cool one-wheeled motorized futuristic device to class, for inspiring me to dream big and impressing me with your balance and making me say things like “What a time to be alive!” 

(^actor portrayal)

9) The IT support people, for somehow having all the answers and essentially being this campus’ LIfe Alert. I wish there was a button I could push to call you to solve all of my problems, but I appreciate you solving the technology ones all the same.

10) Alex, the pig couch owner, for sharing that withthe Free & For Sale group and for you excellent taste in fine home furnishing. If I had the funds or the space, I would buy it in a heartbeat, but just knowing it exists fulfills me.

Thank you all for being you and for brightening my days. Know it does not go unnoticed. Especially you, EVKitty. We need to grab lunch soon and catch up.



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