Game of Thrones

By Grace Carballo ‘17 (but go ahead and call me Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, or similar)


Yesterday was a particularly great day, not only because it was a Monday, but because Special Events Committee pulled some strings and got HBO to host a Game of Thrones prescreening. See that throne I’m sitting on, that’s the Iron Throne, the real one from the set. It wasn’t particularly comfortable but that’s what power feels like and I loved it. There’s really no turning back now. 


If you aren’t caught up with Game of Thrones, I recommend acquiring an HBOGo account by whatever means necessary and watching the first four seasons at your earliest convenience but before this Sunday (April 12) when Season 5 is released and the Game is changed. (See what I did there?)

The first episode lived up to the hype and there was a lot of hype. I won’t reveal any spoilers because I’m above it and also because I fear the consequences, but let’s just say I am managing my time the rest of this week with every intention of a whole lot of GoT on Sunday.


I, unfortunately, did not arrive until after my meeting at 6:30 but was still able to nab a wristband (probably because of my intimidating regal demeanor and implied threat of dragons) and watch from the third floor of Bovard, which up until I summited the final staircase, I had no idea existed. I had a pretty good view with very good company (S/O to Mat, Alex, and Katie) and in the end that’s what it’s all about. 

All three levels were completely full; people started lining up before noon for the 8:00 pm screening- people that I respect the hell out of. My friend, Sahil, on Special Events Committee took these pics of the main level so I could see how the other half lives and also so I could write this article, bless her soul. The HBO reps gave out prizes for the best dressed, (which I did not win because I was unwilling to descend and reascend all the stairs again to get to the stage and the Daenerys who won had objectively a much better costume) and  awards for some of the top tweets of the week leading up to the main event. 


If you are unable to gather from the blatant context clues or my ecstatic tone, I had a grand time. Not only did I walk away from this whole experience with bragging rights for having seen the episode before my home friends, I  also got way more favorites on my instagram than I usually do, AND a Game of Thrones crown and cool dragon egg USB soundtrack thing that is aesthetically-pleasing and allegedly functional, though I have yet to confirm this. 

There’s really nothing better than hanging out with crowds of people who are equally as invested in Westeros as you are.

As Cersei once said, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.” 

Yesterday, my friends, we won. 


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