Get a Head Start on Your New Year’s Resolution: Easy Healthy Changes to Make Now

By: Karla Leung ‘22

Not only is the year ending, but an entire decade, making it the perfect time to make some healthy changes for the better. But you don’t have to wait for the New Year to start living a healthier lifestyle, the best time to start is now! Here are some small and big changes you can make to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. 

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

I’ve found in all my stair taking, elevators don’t really save much time, they just save effort. If you’re not carrying any luggage or groceries, try taking the stairs back to your dorm/apartment to get a few more steps in daily. 

Skip the sugar and cream in your daily coffee

A daily Starbucks drink can add up to a lot more calories than you realize, with some drinks being upwards to six hundred calories. But you don’t need to eliminate your coffee altogether, just consider switching your usual order or getting your coffee black. 

Keep a reusable water bottle by your desk and in your backpack

Buying a water bottle and constantly keeping it full is a game-changer; it makes it super easy to stay hydrated! 

Avoid multitasking while eating

Distracted eating makes you end up eating more than you really need to. Take the time to think about your food and enjoy it, as well as unplugging and getting off of your phone. 

Try at-home workouts if you can’t bring yourself to leave your room

There are plenty of Youtube videos that guide you through quick at-home workouts you can do if you ever feel like not going to the gym. No excuses!

Follow social media accounts that will inspire you to have healthier habits.

Seeing healthy and delicious foods, fun workouts, and tips to stay fit is a super-easy way to stay motivated! Finding influencers who can actually influence you in a positive way can remind you to stay on track with your goals. 

Make study breaks study walks

Being finals seasons, it’s important to not stay cooped up in your room or library studying away for hours on end. Take the time to refresh yourself with a quick walk outside. It gives you a change of scenery, gets you moving, and helps clear your head. 

The next few require a bit more commitment, but they are all completely doable!

Pledge to work out every day, even if it has to be short

You’re probably going to end up procrastinating for 20 minutes anyway, so why not spend it on a quick workout? Plus, the gym is free! Take advantage of your tuition dollars at work. Or take a walk, have a quick yoga session, or do a few pushups in your room. A small workout is always better than no workout, and you’ll feel great about yourself afterward! 

Pack your own lunch

Not only will you save money, but you can make a healthy choice ahead of time instead of a last-minute, rushed Panda Express. Invest in some Tupperware or a bento box and you can pack a healthy meal the night before. 

Try to make one healthy swap a day 

Eat more whole fruits and vegetables, go meat-free one day a week, replace white bread with whole wheat, etc! Incorporating one healthy swap can improve your diet more than you realize.

Get your roommate or best friend in on it too

Encouragement and fewer temptations can help you both stay on track. Having a buddy can also keep you accountable, especially if you’re with them often. Both of you can make healthy changes together!

Don’t overlook your mental health, too

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Take time for yourself, especially during finals. Don’t forget to take breaks, eat healthy meals, and relax. There are lots of resources from USC for you to get help if you need it, as well. Click here to find out more. 

Challenge yourself to tackle a few from the list and start working towards a healthier lifestyle!

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