Get Published: USC Student Publications

By Danielle Collins ‘20

Got art? Got essays? Got creative writing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider submitting your work to one of USC’s many student publications. Whether you write creatively on the side, create art to destress, or put together killer essays for class, there is a publication for you to showcase your work. USC has a wide range of student publications across multiple fields and art forms that are open for submissions now!


Not only does being a published author/artist give you serious resumé points and bragging rights— you will also join a community of fellow students eager to share their work and ideas. Share your poems, paintings, photos, short stories, academic essays, social justice exposés, and more. Many of these publications have Fall 2017 editions coming out soon, so make sure to submit ASAP!

  • Palaver Arts MagazinePalaver is a student-run online arts publication that accepts fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, arts, multimedia, and much more. If you have creative work to share, Palaver will happily check it out. All grades and majors are welcome. Their Fall 2017 issue comes out mid-November, so submit your piece(s) ASAP here.
  • ScribeScribe is a student-run online academic publication that accepts academic and artistic works, such as essays, photos, short stories, poems, and artwork portfolios. Many of Scribe’s submissions come from Writing 340 classes, so if you’ve already written the essay, why not submit it? Click here to submit and find out more about Scribe.
  • The Social Justice Review: Want to #StayWoke? You can start by sharing your opinions on societal issues with SJRSJR is sponsored by the USC Levan Institute for Humanities and Ethics and accepts student written works that engage with social issues. Topics range from gender, ethnicity, and religion to any social issue important to you. Start a conversation with fellow students by sharing your work here.
  • IlluminBelieve it or not, STEM kids like writing too (or…are at least forced to write for Writing 340). Engineers can share their hidden writing talents through the Engineering Writing Program’s online magazine. Illumin publishes writing and multimedia focused on science and technology, and the effect engineering has on the modern world. Contact them to find out more or submit a piece.
  • Glimpse From the GlobeGlimpse From the Globe publishes student works on international affairs. The magazine values intellectual discourse and original ideas. They mostly accept 550-1000 word submissions, along with some longer and creative pieces. If this sounds up your alley, find out more about Glimpse From the Globe’s mission and submission guidelines on their website.

If you already have a piece ready to share, submit it now! Or take this opportunity to sit down and put your thoughts to paper. Being a published author is great writing experience and a great resume builder. And you’ll be a part of a community in which you can share your work and engage in discussions with fellow USC students. Now go get published! 

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