Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month

By: Lilly Kate Diaz ‘20

Hello, all!

I hope your semester has been going well and that you are all taking care of yourselves.

While I am a bit late on posting this, I firmly believe in “better late than never!”

If you haven’t heard yet – it’s a very special time of the year for me and my fellows Latinx/Hispanic folks:


From September 15th to October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month, a special celebration created in 1968 by U.S. Representative Edward R. Roybal and President Lyndon B. Johnson. The celebration recognizes the many histories, cultures, and contributions of Hispanics and Latinxs in the United States. 

While this month is a moment to be proud of who we are, it is also a month to recognize issues that we may go through and how we can combat them (with the help of allies, too!). 


In celebrating this month, I plan to write you all a few events you can attend on campus and some resources you can use.

To start things off, a well-known organization is El Centro Chicano*! El Centro Chicano’s mission is to inform the campus of ethnic diversity, Latinx/Hispanic issues, advocacy, empowerment and a support system for Latinx/Hispanic students. Their website contains information regarding the academic and social life on campus, resources, and so much more!

For ways to de-stress and to hang out with fellow Latinx/Hispanic peers, scroll through USC’s Latinx Student Assembly page for events throughout this month and all year long!


Though I can go on forever explaining the several clubs we have on campus for Latinx/Hispanic students, here’s a page you can check out to get started on your search for a club that best fits you. Remember that clubs, while also a fun way to explore whatever interests you, can also be a support system for you!


Times are tough with the political climate, but I urge you all to not let it affect you! If there are times where you feel down, understand that your negative feelings are not your reality. You are worthy. You are important. You are special!

Here’s a beautiful video from a couple of years ago that speak the few of the many great qualities of being Latinx/Hispanic. I hope the rest of the semester and this year goes well for you all. Fight on!

*In 2019, the El Centro Chicano student community was renamed LaCasa at the University of Southern California.

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