How I Celebrated International Women’s Day

By: Ann Nguyen ‘22

International Women’s Day was March 8th this year, and I knew the perfect way to celebrate — by spreading some love, appreciation, and confidence throughout USC. After all, the first step of female empowerment is believing in yourself, ladies!

To spread positive vibes and remind everyone about how awesome they are, I went around campus and asked some women the following questions:

1. Has anyone ever told you you’re pretty?

Because even though everyone is unique and beautiful, it’s always nice to have a little reminder. 

2. What is the best compliment you have ever received?

Though being reminded of how gorgeous you are is a great feeling, there are plenty aspects of your inner beauty that deserve to be recognized, too. The confidence boost you get from just the right compliment that acknowledges some part of yourself you didn’t know others noticed or squashes some insecurity is indescribably wonderful. 

3. What female figure inspires you?

We all have women in our lives who lead by example and are a part of who we are today. Reminding yourself of your role models is a great way to both acknowledge their impact on yourself and also to reinvigorate your motivation. 

4. What makes YOU amazing?

You are a woman, and that inherently makes you one of the toughest things on Earth. You know what others have told you what they love about you, and you know who you aspire to be like, but the hardest thing to do — because of how modest society expects us to be and how self-deprecating we have become — is to find what you love about yourself and brag a little. You’re the best at being you, so rock it!

Without further ado:

I hope that video made you smile! It is still Women’s History Month, so if you liked this video, take the opportunity to share the love and pay forward the joy. Embrace your awesomeness, and remember all your fantastic qualities when life gets you down. 

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