How to Write a Resume When You Feel Like You Haven’t Done Anything

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Applying for jobs, going to interviews, and especially writing resumes are almost always stressful, but what can make it even more so is the feeling that you have nothing to talk about or show for your work. Maybe you have not gotten a job yet? Maybe the ones you have gotten do not relate to the one you are applying for? If you find yourself feeling like you have absolutely nothing to put on your resume, maybe this post will give you a few ideas!

1. Highlight Achievements/Awards!

If you do not have previous work to show that you are accomplished or good at what you do, sharing awards you have won is a great way to get around that! It can let employers you that even if it’s not a job, you have done some work in your field.

2. Focus on Skills!

If you do not have a bunch of work experience to fill up your resume, focus on highlighting your skills instead. Let your future employer know that even with no technical work experience, you still have the knowledge to perform the job! Are you good at planning? Bookkeeping? Maybe you’re really good at time management and communicating with others? Know any other languages? Don’t cut yourself short! Analyze your skills and give yourself credit for what you are good at.

3. Do Not Lie!

As tempting as it may be to “embellish” your resume in the hopes of making it more competitive, things that you lie about tend to catch up with you. If your employer calls your previous work or asks you to perform skills you allegedly learned in your old job, you will find yourself in a tough spot. It’s better to be honest and work with what you have than lie and risk a more troublesome situation.

4. Focus on Education rather than Experience!

You go to one of the best universities in the country! There is a high chance your major or the focus of your classes relates to the job you are applying for. Talk about it!

5. Include Unpaid Experience!

Everyone has done something; they just do not recognize it as work. You have to figure out what it is. Have you interned somewhere? Volunteered? Sometimes it is even a favor you’ve done for someone. It may take a bit of creativity, but I am sure you can think of something that can qualify as work experience.

6. Shed Light on your Hobbies and Extracurriculars!

Maybe the reason you have not had previous employment is because all your time is spent on extracurriculars. If that is the case, then talk about it! Your work is not the only thing that defines you. If you find yourself thinking that your resume does not truly reflect who you are, consider adding in some of your hobbies to supplement it.

7. Think back to High School!

I know including experiences from high school can seem immature in a college resume, but something from high school is better than nothing at all. Take pride in your past experiences.

8. Choose the Right Resume Format!

It is important to choose a resume format that will highlight your own non-employment experience instead of leaving strange gaps. If you lack work experience, it is probably better to shy away from a chronological resume format (which highlights and list your work experience in chronological order) and consider a functional or combination format (which give more attention to non-work experience).

9. Include your Cover Letter!

A cover letter is a document commonly sent with a resume to provide additional information about why you are qualified for the job you are applying for. It can be helpful to add a little bit more information about yourself outside of traditional employment and add more of your own voice! 

10. Apply for a Small Job!

Sometimes, even with all that emphasis on non-employment experience, you need to add a little something more. In that case, it does not hurt to have at least one small job under your belt. If you’re looking to get that bigger dream job, it might help to get that smaller one first.

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