I’m old now (and other musings after turning 21)

By ye old grandma Kelly Kinas ‘16

To all those older than 21 reading this blog, I mean no offense. To me, this day has been a long time coming and now that it’s here, I feel old. Luckily, I am surrounded by great resources at USC how can help me through this life-altering event.

I’m legal! And now I feel like I should have a 401k. What else can go wrong?


First thing’s first: I did celebrate my 21st by going to the 901 Bar and Grill at midnight on Saturday/Sunday. My friend bought me a drink. I drank it. We left and I was asleep by 12:45am. I know! I’m a party animal! But one thing I want to discuss is alcohol consumption. If you don’t want to drink on your 21st, you DO NOT HAVE TO. I know a lot of people see it as a rite of passage, but it is your birthday. You get to do what you want. My favorite part of my 21st was the rapid alcohol consumption that Hollywood makes it out to be. Feel no pressure (from your friends, from society) to do anything you do not want to just because “everyone blacks out on the 21st” or “it’s normal not to remember your 21st birthday”. No, you want to remember it. Most importantly, have FUN!


Now, some ideas to celebrate your 21st birthday!

1. Have a meal with your family


Obviously the most important people ever, if you grew up in my household. Luckily, my father and brother were in town for the USC vs. UCLA football game. Therefore, I was able to have breakfast with them before they started their drive back home. 

Celebrating with your family, while it seemed lame in high school, is my favorite part about my birthday. Most of my family celebrated with me before I came back for the game so I still got to spend time with them.

2. Brunch with the friends!


We’re lucky to be in such a diverse city like Los Angeles so the brunch possibilities are endless. On Melrose, my favorites are Blu Jam Café and Village Idiot. But throughout Los Angeles, Downtown to West Hollywood, there are tons of places that are fun and festive to bring your friend group! Any price range too. Look at Samantha’s post about LA’s best brunch spots for inspiration.

3. Take some time for yourself


Your 21st doesn’t have to be constant party. One of the best parts of my birthday was watching Gilmore Girls while eating Chipotle for dinner, alone in my room. It’s not the most social butterfly thing to do but it’s important to take time for yourself on your birthday.

Now that I gave you some tips on how to celebrate, next I’ll go through the existential questions I asked myself throughout the day and address them.

Shouldn’t I have more planned out by now?


No, actually. Nothing is set in stone. The most important lessons that I learned is that you surround yourself with the best people (or the best scholarships) and put thought in your future. Things will work out.

I’m a junior/senior. I’m 21. I need to do more adult things STAT.


Yes, I should do more adult things like voting and thinking my future. But the thing is, I am still in college. I want to enjoy this last year I have starting in January while simultaneously figuring everything out. That would be enough…

Why does my birthday have to fall before the last week of school?

I personally blame Julius Caesar because he had to go all King of the Romans and add in a month for himself and his son Augustus. If we didn’t have those two months, my birthday would not be during the last week of school. Whatever you do, blame the Romans.


To everyone else who is going through slight extensional crises, DON’T WORRY. Or try not to. I know how hard it can be not to think/worry. For now, just focus on one thing at a time. Focus on final presentations this week, while preparing for finals next week.
You can do this. We are all fabulous, creative, and beautiful.

Fight on!

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