Giving Tuesday: What You Can Do

By Judy Lee ‘17

Today is Giving Tuesday, a day for reflection and giving back to those less fortunate than you. Here are some things that we, as Trojans, can do locally within the day, the week, and so on.

1. Swipe Out Hunger

Use your leftover USC dining dollars now until December 4th!


2. USC Scholarships

If you have some cash to spare (being a rare unicorn college student), perhaps consider funding someone else’s tuition here who may not be able to dream of attending the school you’re currently at.


3. Downtown Women’s Center

As the weather gets colder and the holidays get warmer, the women of Downtown Women’s Shelter need donations and volunteers. 


4. Kitty Bungalow

Kittens!! In need of care, love, and adoption. Also close to campus!


5. Do something nice in general.

Pay for that zombie-ish freshman behind you at TroGro. Get a gift for a CSC worker standing on the corner making sure you get home safe. Bake a cake for a friend! Every little thing counts.


I’m old now (and other musings after turning 21)


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