Meet the Blogger, Adri

By Adriana Bernal Martinez ‘20

Hi there! I’m Adriana, Adri for short, and I’m a First-Year student studying Business Administration at the Marshall School of Business and minoring in French.


About Me

I’m the one in the pink in the picture above. Jokes, I wish. That’s my little sister, Gaby, She’s the reason I’m here. Long story short, almost ten years ago, my dad got a job offer in the U.S. and my mom decided to up and leave our comfortable living in Mexico to follow the American Dream up to Austin, Texas upon finding out she was pregnant with my little sister. It was easily the best thing that ever happened to me, for I would never have become involved with such amazing opportunities (Debate, Business Professionals of America, National Honor Society) in high school, to lead me here.


Turns out we had more in common than I thought! My group of Debate friends in High School who were also members of the National Honor Society.

I adore my culture, and hope to become more involved with Latinx organizations on-campus. For the time being, though, I’m working for the LGBT Resource Center and am involved with several organizations with emphases on Pre-Law. These are both opportunities of involvement that matter immensely to me, and I really enjoy motivating others to find out what makes them themselves and chase after getting involved with some organization that highlights it on campus. For example, there’s little I love more than sitting down and writing an informative piece to lend a helping hand to someone. So, I applied and got the absolutely incredibly opportunity to become part of the Trojans 360 team.

Fun Facts

1. I take arguably too much pride on my “aesthetically pleasing” Snapchat story and update it too much. But what can I say? I really like visiting vegan cafes and posting pictures of it most people won’t care to see.

2. My roommate and I once drove forty minutes the opposite way of USC because we genuinely believed that we took the right way at the Ralph’s close to campus. Instead, we ended up by Marina Del Rey.

3. I love horror movies more than anything in this world! Except maybe for creepy conspiracy theories or researching haunted houses. I like all things supernatural and slasher, though I still can’t get through watching The Ring.

4. I’m a Libra and very evidently so. I’m about as indecisive as you can get (I originally thought I was going to major in Astronomy, then went to Dramatic Arts, then to Econ and finally to Business) and really appreciate beautiful things.

5. I got to attend the Women’s March with some friends and it was the best day of my life. Being surrounded by such an inspirational, proactive crowd of incredible human beings has been the best I’ve felt in the current political climate in a while. Plus, I saw Miley Cyrus!


Trojans 360 & Me

What can you expect to see from me? I hope some event coverage of things going on around USC and whatever programs I get to be involved in – I tend to try and take advantage of all campus has to offer, and its many events is far from an exception. Furthermore, I want to offer advice regarding the different perspectives that could be garnered by a Trojan who comes from an intersectional background and help others who might be in a similar situation. I hope to shed light on what life at USC is truly like, and hope to make as much of an impact on some future Trojan’s life as these bloggers that I now get the opportunity to work with did for me during the application process.

Fight on!

(P.S. Immense thank you to Anna Lipscomb for coming up with the format for this – go check out her introductory post here!)

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