Preparing for Finals

By Alexis Peters ‘20

Well, ladies and gents, that time of the year is upon us. The time filled with tears, and anger, and coffee, and late nights, and studying. Lots and lots of studying. Yep! It’s finals time, which means the semester is coming to an end. (Cheering and applause) And while we’re all excited for those relaxing summer days, finals is usually the most stressful time of the entire semester. But what would you say if I told you it didn’t have to be that way? I’m not promising miracles, but if you follow these simple tips I can guarantee significantly fewer tears. Sound good? Awesome. PRESENTING Finals Week as told by Slothilda:

Stop Procrastinating

Let’s be real. We all do it, and that is what makes finals so ridiculously stressful. Get ahead of things. Start working on your final projects as soon as you get the rubric, even if it’s just brainstorming ideas. I know, you’ve heard it all before, but you will be so much better off. Seriously. Your future self will thank you.

Make a Schedule

Plan out when you’re working on which project, and carve out blocks of time dedicated to studying. This way, you can spread it out over the entire course of the last few weeks of school, and you won’t have a mountain of stuff to do all in the last week. Also, make sure you know the exact day and time of each final, because it’s different from normal class times!

Practice Self Care

Just because you’re getting ahead, doesn’t mean you have to suffer the entire time. Make time for some pleasure reading, make a schedule of your Netflix time, dance time, workout time, or whatever you do in your free time, and stick to it! While it’s important to get your assignments done, it’s also important to relax and take a break!

Be Sure to Catch Some Zzzzs

College students are notorious for not getting enough sleep. Especially during finals, when you pull an all nighter studying for a test. DON’T DO THAT. Sleep is integral to the consolidation of memories, and if you follow the tips above, you should have more than enough time to get the sleep you need to consolidate everything. No more all nighters! Woo! Because the day after an all nighter is never fun for anybody.

And last but not least: Don’t Stress; Just Do Your Best

Sometimes we beat ourselves up for not getting the highest grade, but just like my mother always tells me: Just do your best, and I’m proud of you. So, do your best, study like you mean it, and celebrate all the hard work you put in this semester! You deserve it.

Happy Finals!!

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