Unconventional Grad Photos

By Jamie Wu ‘18

Mudd Hall, Doheny Library, VKC arches are all great places to take graduation photos at USC. But how often do USC students actually spend the majority of their time at those places? We take an inside look into a student who chose the non-traditional path of graduation photos.  

When asked why she opted for these unique photos, Anna responded with:

“I wanted to take graduation pictures that truly defined my last 4 years at USC. While taking the typical photos on traveler or popping champagne bottles are aesthetically pleasing, I wanted to capture my authentic USC experience. Taking these photos were exhilarating because people were staring at us and taking Snapchats the entire time, but we didn’t care at all. Life is so much more fun when you aren’t afraid to be yourself.”

For photography, I personally believe that the best photos are the ones taken with no editing, no filters–just you and the camera. So naturally, when Anna and I combined our ideas this is what we got. We went around some of her favorite spots on campus to shoot for these authentic photos. 


Habits Fries. What more do I need to say? 


Ramen. Why get real food when you can survive on ramen? Also special recognition goes to the lovely Target employee in the right. 


Spudnuts. 2 am trips here sound about right.


Do you even lift bro? Only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays


Industrial and Systems Engineering. How can I optimize my tuition for the highest return on investment? 


Taco Man’s $5 burritos have saved my stomach more times than I can count

Anna Ngo is a senior studying Industrial and Systems Engineering. Originally from Houston, Texas she has traveled all over the world including Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam during Viterbi’s international Exchange Program with HKUST. She is part of the Women’s Club basketball team, USC’s premier co-ed service organization APO and Break Through Hip Hop dance team. After graduation, she will be working with PWC as a management consultant. Congratulations Anna! We’re excited to see where your life as a Trojan takes you after graduation! Fight on forever! 


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