Procrastination Made Productive

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

Midterms are right around the corner. I know that’s not super exciting and is kinda concerning. For me, it feels like the school year just started; that we can’t be done with a month of school already. Unfortunately that doesn’t make the tests come any slower.


OR…. Not.

We all get overwhelmed. I know I have 2 papers and a midterm all due in the beginning of one week. While all of us are studying for those tests and slowly dying inside, I think we should take a break and make ourselves more useful human beings. Meaning:

Let’s procrastinate by bettering ourselves and not being as useless as we used to be!

That’s a long title for an initiative but just to boil it down to something our fried brains will understand: Let’s productively procrastinate.


Here is a list of things that would totally benefit our lives if we learned how to do them or just do them. That way, it makes complete sense not to be studying right now. We’re bettering ourselves. Studying can wait.

If your brain is anything like mine, you might need some justification for not studying when you know you should be.

Here are some awesome ways to do just that:

  1. Learn how to change a flat tire

            I’m not saying to go find a flat tire and try to change it. No, stay in your room or the library. But you can watch this informational video just in case the next time you take your car out for a ride, you will actually know how to help yourself. We have all seen the horror movies when a person gets a flat tire, asks for a ride to the nearest gas station, gets in the car with a random person (who ends up being the killer), and he/she doesn’t survive the night. If you learn how to change your flat tire, you can get on your way by yourself and you survive. Totally useful skill.

2. Learn how to tie a tie



            With this helpful info-graphic! I don’t care if it’s for Monday Night Dinner, Business Class, or dinner with the grandparents. You need to know how to do this, man or woman.  If you don’t know how to tie a tie, you look sloppy. If you look sloppy, you won’t get that job that you’re interviewing for because they want people who represent the company well. Because you don’t get that job, you’re sad, unemployed, and your significant other leaves you. It’s completely justifiable to learn how to tie a tie now to stop that from being a possibility in your life.

3. Sew a button on a shirt–7InTE

            Same reason as to tie a tie. One day, your button will fall off. No one wants to see that much of your chest, whoever you are. So this is a skill you will need. It’s always handy to have a needle and thread around (I’ve used it twice this year so far).

4. Work out


            This is when you really, REally, REALLY don’t want to study anymore or don’t want to study at all. I have worked out from 11:00pm-12:30am on a Tuesday night because I did not want to start writing my term paper. My friends like to call this the “least-lazy lazy thing” anyone can do. While the Lyon Center closes at midnight, you can take a jog around campus or if you’re lucky enough to have a gym where you live, relieve your stress by working out and pumping some iron.

There will more tips like these to come but these should give you a good start on giving yourself a helpful break during midterms.

(At one point or another) Study on!

– Kelly


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